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  1. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Its never been near since! Only a 1 day blip, since then double zero at around 14hrs :crazy:
  2. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Thanks for your assistance guys. Before I posted about the PH drop, I retested twice! Since I only did a water change a few days ago, I decided to add in 3tsp of Bicarb, and this bounced the PH back to 8.0 in no time. After adding in ammonia at 10pm, at 7am the next day I had zero for both...
  3. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    I did a 100% water change on day 53 (5 days ago), and PH was as normal 7.6 for me.
  4. S

    Ph Crash !

    ARGH! :hyper: Got a PH crash down to at least 6, and ammonia is now not clearing after 12 hours! What do I do now? My cycle threads over here... My link Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 55 14Apr --- --- --- --- 5.0ppm 07:30 55 14Apr ---...
  5. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 55 14Apr --- --- --- --- 5.0ppm 07:30 55 14Apr --- --- --- --- 0.0ppm 18:00 + 4ml ammonia@19:30 56 15Apr --- --- --- --- 2.0ppm 07:30 56 15Apr --- ---...
  6. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Might give the loaches a miss then.
  7. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Started thinking about stocking the tank! Wandered round the LFS and wrote down a few names of fish I liked the look of and did some research. So far I'm thinking along the lines of.... 4x Sunset Platy (5cm) 1x Zodiac Loach (8cm) 2x Dwarf Gourami (8cm) 6x Neon Tetra (2.5cm) 6x Diamond Tetra...
  8. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 50 09Apr --- --- 0 --- 0.0 16:30 51 10Apr --- --- --- --- 2.0ppm 08:45 51 10Apr --- --- --- --- 0.0ppm 13:00 52 11Apr --- --- --- ---...
  9. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 46 05Apr --- --- 0 --- 0.25 21:00 + 4ml ammonia 47 06Apr --- --- 0 >80 0.0 17:30 (4ml ammonia @ 21:00) 48 07Apr --- --- ---- --- >5.0ppm 07:30 48 07Apr...
  10. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 42 01Apr --- --- --- --- --- No tests done, just 4ml ammonia added @20:30 43 02Apr --- 8.0 0 --- 0.5 0930am 43 02Apr --- --- --- --- 0.0 20:30, double...
  11. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 36 26Mar --- --- ---- --- 3.0ppm 09:00 36 26Mar --- --- ---- --- --- 3.5ml Ammonia added @ 22:00 37 27Mar --- --- 0.25 --- 5.0ppm 10:00 37 27Mar --- 8.0...
  12. S

    Comet Goldfish Chasing & Fighting New Shubunkins

    Just to add, that 12 hours on, and the fish are still chasing - help! Strangely, 3 of the new fish are white, and 1 black. The black one seems to have settled in with the existing fish without problem, just the 3 white ones being chased - even by 5 gold fish to 1 new fish - horrible to watch...
  13. S

    Comet Goldfish Chasing & Fighting New Shubunkins

    A long story but... About 18 months ago, I added 6 Red Comet Goldfish to my new pond (brought a new house which had a pond without fish) About 6 months after this, I added in 6 Yellow Comet Goldfish (same size as existing fish), the original 6 went mad at this, and chased the new arrivals day...
  14. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 33 23Mar --- 7.8 0.00ppm ----- >5.0ppm 3ml ammonia added (20:00) 34 24Mar --- --- 0.00ppm ----- >5.0ppm 3ml ammonia added @ 20.00 35 25Mar 7.6 8.0 0.00ppm ----- 5.0ppm 9.00am 35...
  15. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Hmm, whats going on here then? Tested Nitrite last night 8pm, and it was massively high (off the chart). Tested again this morning and still off the chart. Ammonia was zero on both occasions! Seem to have gone backwards!
  16. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Phase 3 would be good! Just to clarify: 1. I need to be testing Nitrite and Ammonia at regular 12 hour intervals (say 8am and 8pm) 2. At 8pm if the readings are zero, spike with Ammonia (to about 2 or 3 ppm - in my case, about 2.75ml of 9.5% ammonia) Is it also worth testing the PH on a...
  17. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 31 21Mar 7.2 --- 0.00ppm 80ppm 0.25ppm 3ml ammonia added & 3tsp baking soda (20.30) 32 20Mar >7.6 8.2 0.00ppm 80ppm 0.50ppm Added 3ml ammonia (20.00) Seem to have readings near zero after 24hrs at the...
  18. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Felt brave and decided to do a water change and also replace the gravel in the tank with sand. What a mess that makes! Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 30 20Mar 7.2 7.4 0.00ppm 180ppm 0.00ppm Nitrite+Ammonia @ 0.0ppm, added 2.75ml ammonia (1045) 30...
  19. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Checked at 11am this morning, and ammonia and nitrite at 0ppm - yippeee! :good: :good: I've added in ammonia of 2.75ml, as I was overdosing with 3.5ml before. Will test again tonight and see whats happening.
  20. S

    My Complete Roma 125 Journal.

    Just a tip to anyone wanting to cut a neat round hole in their tank lids, use a cutter like this one on a cordless drill (very slow speed). Toolstation Link This set is only basic, but as you are only cutting plastic will easily cut it, various sizes to match the dimensions of the pipe, and...
  21. S

    Newbie With A Right Mess

    Do you know anyone who can donate sponge filter media you could bung in your filter to kick start the bacteria?
  22. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 26 16Mar --- --- 0.00ppm ---- >5.00ppm Nitrite off chart, added 3.5ml of ammonia 27 17Mar --- --- 0.00ppm ---- >5.00ppm Nitrite off chart, added 3.5ml of ammonia 28 18Mar 7.2 --- 0.00ppm...
  23. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 24 14Mar 7.6 --- 0.25ppm ---- >5.00ppm Nitrite off chart 25 15Mar 7.6 --- 0.00ppm ---- >5.00ppm First Ammonia ZERO - Nitrite off chart, added 3ml of ammonia (9pm)
  24. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    My PH has dropped slightly, anything to worry about ?!?
  25. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 22 12Mar --- --- 0.25ppm ---- >5.00ppm Nitrite off chart, added 3ml of ammonia 23 13Mar 7.2 --- 0.50ppm 120ppm >5.00ppm Nitrite off chart, added 2ml of ammonia
  26. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 21 11Mar --- --- 1ppm 40ppm 5.00ppm At last a massive jump in Nitrite levels, from 0.5 to 5.0 in 24hrs. Hopefully Ammonia at zero tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
  27. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 19 9Mar 7.6 7.4 2ppm 40ppm 0.25ppm 20 10Mar --- --- 2ppm 40ppm 0.50ppm Small creep up of NitRITE at last, magical seeing the purple colour at last! Forgot to post, that I also did my KH/GH readings...
  28. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    18 days is a lot slower than I was expecting for the 1st cycle, and I'm still not near that magical zero !
  29. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 17 7Mar --- --- 3ppm 40ppm 0ppm 18 8Mar --- --- 2ppm 40ppm 0ppm
  30. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Following all your advice above, todays readings are.... Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 16 6Mar --- --- 3ppm 40ppm 0ppm So RATE is going up dramatically (definitely red in colour), whilst RITE is very pale blue as usual. Ammonia seems to be...
  31. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Correct, but I re-dosed with pure ammonia after up to the 4ppm level. Correct, I measured the volume of liquid in the tank, think I worked on 83L. 9.5% from boots, added 4ml. I'm using a syringe! Thanks for your advice, I'm going to sit and wait and see what happens! As people have...
  32. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Just an update... Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 13 3Mar --- --- 4ppm ---- 0ppm 14 4Mar --- --- 3ppm 10ppm 0ppm 15 5Mar 7.6 7.4 3ppm 15ppm 0ppm Looks like things are moving very slowly, but also a bit...
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    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Thanks for your comments. I'll cross my fingers !
  34. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    No replies/ideas folks ? Todays readings, Nitrate back again, but still no drop in Ammonia ! Help!! Day Date PH PH(high) Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite 12 2Mar --- 8.0 4ppm 5ppm 0ppm
  35. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Any ideas folks? I'm on day 11 of my first cycle, and nothing is happening! Just to re-cap, I've a 95Litre tank, Fluval U2 filter (with carbon pads removed), 150W heater measured at 29.5c temperature. I added mature media at day 5 straight into the U2 filters. 11 days have passed without...
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    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Google charts --- Not the easiest thing to get working though!
  37. S

    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Yes, originally it was up at 31c when I first put the thermo in, its now around 28.5c. I keep upping the setting on the heater as its completely inaccurate (think its set on about 26c) at the moment. Would the initial high temp caused any problems? Hopefully I'm just being impatient, but I'd...
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    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    How's my results looking folks - its been over a week now and I think I've got impatient!! Nothing in the readings is dropping/rising - any ideas?
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    //stuarts New Tank Cycle

    Only just started looking at fish, probably not go with real plants at the moment just to keep things simpler. Probably start off with a few Danio's - is this a good idea? If so any recommendations on number to keep and other fish to compliment them? Forgot to mention - just added some filter...