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  1. M

    Sexing Herotilapia Multispinosa

    That exactly it they are about .2.5" - 3". One is a striking yellow why other is mostly.blackish with very subdued yellow.
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    Yet Another Stocking Opinion Needed

    Well the pair is to be determined see my above post.. I tried to get 2 males and think I may have ended up with a pair....
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    Sexing Herotilapia Multispinosa!
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    Yet Another Stocking Opinion Needed

    I'm really trying to find a reasonable stocking for my tank.... Its a 38 gallon with an AquaClear 70.... 1 Firemouth 2 Rainbow Cichlids (Pair) 1 Angelfish 8 Lemon Tetras Is there anything else could fit without stressing the tank? Thanks once again...
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    Thorichthys Questions...

    This is what I've been considering as of late: 1 T. Meeki 2 Herotilapia Multispinosa 2 Cryptoheros Nanoleutus 8 Lemon Tetras 6 Hatchetfish Thoughts?? Critique? Suggestions? Alterations??
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    Aqua Clear 70 With Ammonia Remover

    Hmmm. The aqua clear catridge box for the ammonia remover had me put it in the middle with the biomax at the top. I think I will swap the and put the bio media before the ammonia remover to make sure there is always some food for the bacteria...
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    Aqua Clear 70 With Ammonia Remover

    Does anyone have any experience with this? I have a 38 gallon tank that is in a fish-in cycle and I've had to do a water change every day. Swapped the carbon cartridge that came with the unit for the ammonia remover. 4 hours later I tested the tank and for the first time it tested at zero...
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    Thorichthys Questions...

    I was actually thinking of using T. Meek and the nanos... I have a source for the nanos when I am ready
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    Thorichthys Questions...

    I have been doing some thinking and the Blue Acara gets awfully big would Cryptoheros nanoluteus work instead possibly a pair?
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    Thorichthys Questions...

    I just realized I should post the stocking plan I found: • Thorichthys callolepis - 4 • Aequidens pulcher - 2 • Capoeta tetrazona "Tiger barb" - 6 • Ancistrus temminckii "Bristlenose Pleco" - 2 This is for a 40 gallon tank... Thanks
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    Thorichthys Questions...

    Does anybody know the differences in behavior or care from a Thorichthys Meeki (Firemouth) and a Thorichthys Callolepis? Are the care and compatibility the same or am I way off base? I'm asking because I am looking at a cookie cutter tank stocking plan and I would like to substiture one for...
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    The Rule Of 6+

    Hmmm that article makes me think I should bump my number of lemon tetras from 8 to 10....
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    More Fish-In Cycling Questions

    Ok I know all about the process of cycling and what it is for but I still have some procedure questions. I have had some fish in the tank for about 2-3 weeks now and they appear to be very happy and adjusted. I have been religiously doing my water tests with Seachem Ammonia and Nitrite/Nitrate...
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    My Tank... Bacteria Bloom? Pic

    Thanks all for your reassuring replies.. I just get nervous and all. This is my first attempt at really getting back in the hobby after many many years with my last attempt coming home to a tank that decided to let go... 55 gallons of water, fish, decorations, and gravel on the floor. The...
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    Wierd Question Alert!

    I actually looked into this but I read somewhere that it wouldn't work... Urea is in Urine and you need straight ammonia. Ammonia actually comes more from the fish's respiration rather than the wastes.
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    Ammonia Problem.

    There are two possible reasons... You may be reading the chloramines in the water and they are showing up as ammonia.. Did you treat your water going in? If so depending on your test kit it may be showing the "locked" chloramines. This is a common problem. The only test kit I know that gets...
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    My Tank... Bacteria Bloom? Pic

    Hi again... For the last couple of days I've had a slightly milky tinge to my water. I am doing a fish-in cycle... 8 Lemon Tetras have been in the tank for about 2 weeks and I have been keeping up with daily or every other day water changes regardless of water parameters. Today's test for...
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    2 Free Additions To My Tank

    How did you manage that one?
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    Do You Use A Timer For Your Lights?

    Yep.. A digital job with battery backup I got at home depot...It was around $12.00 and has been great
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    Cape Cod Mature Filter Media

    Hi...I do know about the thread in the newbie section regarding the list of people willing but it also said to post here since there is no one in my state. I have a 38 gallon tank and a AC70 HOB. I was curious if anyone has some mature media from a healthy tank in the Cape Cod/Southern MA area...
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    Silent Filters?

    I have a Aqua Clear 70 HOB and it is very quiet.. I know some people have had problems with these but I think it is all relative to the water level in the tank. I actually have to try to hear mine.
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    Setting A Co2 System

    Well that makes sense.. Ok I think I have my parts list...I'll have to start acquiring and if there is anything I might be forgetting just let me know...
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    Setting A Co2 System

    Thats right. I do want a solenoid. Now a drop checker...What is it? I'm thinking its different than a bubble counter....Like I said I'm new at this. and what about a co2 reactor? Are they worth it?
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    I was considering getting a firemouth pair but question if it is a good idea. I can get a pair from a local breeder.. My question is how big of a tank would I need. I read that a 25 gallon tank would be them minimum for a pair but that seems a little to small. This is my source for that...
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    Setting A Co2 System

    I am planning a heavily planted tank... I have T5 HO light at 6700K twin tube light 39 watts each... Its a 38 gallon tank... I want to set up a CO2 injection system. I already have the tank and the regulator. The regulator does not have a needle valve so I'll get one of those. What else do I...
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    Aggressive Lemon Tetra?

    I have a small shoal of 8 Lemon Tetras... they have only been in the tank for a couple of days but seem very comfortable.. They feel free to wander and explore on their own and they don't feel like they all have to be in a school. I do have one though that seems to bully a couple of the...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    Todays update... was preparing for another 33% water change and tested my water before changing. Here are the results: Free Ammonia .25 Total Ammonia 2.0 Nitrites .20 Nitrates 5 Ph 6.8 This is the first day I seen any Nirites so I retested with the same results... The ph has been stable at...
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    Planning My Stocking

    I'm not so committed to the angels but my wife is..... enough said... I will lose the festivum from my stocking list... Then I will have a tank with only 1 breeding pair of cichlids... That is if my angels are of the opposite sex and compatible. and Yes all of the cichlids will be added at...
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    Planning My Stocking

    Well that makes it alot easier now doesn't it.... I guess I could do something like this in that case: (again let let me know if I am off base): 8 Lemon Tetras 2 Angelfish 1 Rainbow Cichlid 1 Festivum 1 Bolivian Ram 6 Hatchetfish
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    Planning My Stocking

    Good I was hoping I could get away without a bottom feeder. My LFS is a really good spot for fish and they have a local breeder they buy from regularly. I was told I could get several of each and let them pair up... They will "buy" back any I need to move out after that happens. Do you think...
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    Planning My Stocking

    Hello all I am planning my stock list for my tank. I have a 38 gallon tank that is heavily planted and 3 good sized pieces of bogwood and a rock formation. I currently only have some lemon tetras in my tank (8 to be exact). I would like to find a nice showcase fish but let me know if my eyes...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    The total ammonia came down about 1/3 too. I Plan on continuing the water changes until it drops down to zero. I really only planned on 2-4 angels but not until down the road I was really hoping for them to share the spotlight with the festivums. Again only I planned on only having 2-4 of...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    Ok update... Something in the tank keeps dropping the ph. I know it is not a concern if it is at 6.2-6.4. But I did a 33% change and I tested my tap water which is a 7.0.. After my water change it circulated for about 4-5 hours and it tested at 6.8. I am only concerned because if this...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    Well I feel abit better thanks. I will retest everything today and do a 33% water change to make sure anyway. I have 4 lemon tetras in the tank now and plan on another 2-4 of them. I plan on eventually getting festivals and angels to accompany them. Looking at about 2 of them each more if...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    The ph is close to 6 it's about 6.2-6.4.
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    I am using Seachem test kits for Ammonia---tests and distinguishes free ammonia from total...again free was 0 and total 4 Nitrites and Nitrates were both 0 but I wasn't really expecting any of those yet. The ph kis an API ph kit because Seachem doesn't make a freshwater ph kit. They are all...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    I'm not questioning you but I thought only the free ammonia was harmful and that ammonium is non-toxic..Have I misunderstood? Also the fish look great swimming freely, eating and better colors than when I bought them...
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    Newbie Has Some Chemistry Questions..

    I have a very new tank 38 gallon that I am beginning a fish-in cycle...I have 4 lemon tetras and several live plants. I have been using Seachem products.. I have put in Stability for the instructed number of days and my tetras have been in since Friday. I use Prime for my de-chlor. I also...
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    Algae 5 Days After Filling Tank

    Yes I plan on putting some live plants in... I have would eventually like to make it a fully planted tank but now I am going to mix artificial and live. I just don't want the algae to get out of control should I pick up some Algae eaters tomorrow or is it too soon? The Seachem Stability says...