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    Swollen Lips

    Thankyou loraxchick, this morning her lips seem to have gone down, she was first in line for food, very peculiar. Could it have been cotton mouth? I did look at that myself but she did not have a cotton wool look or any blisters, just swollen lips, any other suggestions? Thanks
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    Swollen Lips

    Please can someone answer asI am worried that I am going to loose her
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    Swollen Lips

    Hi This has just happened, but my marble molly lips are swollen, abit like mick jagger lips, sorry couldn't think of another way to discribe it. She doesn't look like gasping for air. I have just tested the water and it is perfect, what could it be? Regards she is not looking very well and is up...
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    Swollen Lips

    Hi This has just happened, but my marble molly lips are swollen, abit like mick jagger lips, sorry couldn't think of another way to discribe it. She doesn't look like gasping for air. I have just tested the water and it is perfect, what could it be? Regards Jane
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    Brown Staining In Tank And On Plants

    Thank you guys, that is a relief, I seem to be doing a crash course with my tank Jane
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    Brown Staining In Tank And On Plants

    Hmm had a read... is there a marine biologist in the house? For cures they all seem to mention this problem in saltwater but I have a freshwater tank. Can anyone help how I can get rid of it, as I did read that if it is not kept in check then it can kill the fish??? Thanks Jane
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    Brown Staining In Tank And On Plants

    Hi In the last week around the edges of the leaves on the plants have gone brown and there is brown stains on the glass and ornaments. I have taken them out and cleaned them all up, but does anyone know why this is has started to happen? Thanks Jane
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    We Have Just Got Babies

    Black Molly's crossed we think with a Marble Molly Jane
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    We Have Just Got Babies

    Hi We have just seen about 12 baby fish in the tank, they do not have their egg sacs so guess they are a day or two old. We have taken them out of the main tank so they don't get eaten, and put them in a large strainer suspended in the same tank with some gravel and plants, until we can get to...
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    High Nitrites/nitrates

    Thank you so much for your advice. I did discover that it wasn't by putting too much water conditioner in the new water change that the nitrites/nitrates spiked. I am doing water changes and the the levels are decreasing now. The fish don't look in distress and are still feeding and very active...
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    High Nitrites/nitrates

    I think I know what has happened. I brought a new brand of water conditioner "Nutrafin Aqua Plus" and I may have misread how much you put in. It says to put 10ml per 40L and I put 10ml in each of my 2 x 2L container of water. I feel quite stupid and very upset, that I put the fish at risk,it has...
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    High Nitrites/nitrates

    Thank you everyone for the warm welcome and advice. I will do another water change now and hopefully that will help. Will keep you posted Look forward to learning with you all Jane
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    High Nitrites/nitrates

    Hi I am new to the forum and to keeping fish. I have a 40 litre cube tank with 3 Cory Dory, 3 Black Molly's & 3 Guppies. I followed the advice of the aquiarium shop and left the tank running for 3-wks without the fish, and they tested the water and told me when it was Ok to start introducing...