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  1. R

    Water Test Results

    Hello, these are my api masterkit liquid results from this morning: Amonia 0 (more or less) Nitrite 0 (completely blue, no purple at all) Nitrate 40-80ppm This was about an hour or so after a 30% water change. The same tests i did yesterday were exactly the same, only the nitrates were a lot...
  2. R

    'lumps' In Hose On External Filter

    hey, i've got the same filter and i've noticed some 'slime' along the tubes. I assume this is fine though, sorry i can't be more help!
  3. R

    Guppy Help, Overstocked?

    Hello, I have a 15 gallon tank with an EC filter (Eheim 2213). I started doing a fish-in cycle a couple of weeks before Christmas, just starting off by adding the odd plant then fish every now and then, and eventually ended up with bogwood etc being in about a month ago. At the same time about...
  4. R

    External Filter Set Up

    unfortunately not, it's my set of draws not a cabinet! I'm not too fussed at the moment though. Thanks for the replies. Rob
  5. R

    External Filter Set Up

    Hello all, I'm just trying to set up my EC, i haven't used one before so i just want to make sure it looks ok before i turn it on! *I assume this loop isn't brilliant mechanics! *About 1-1/4 inches off the bottom of the tank, planning to sit just on top of the gravel (or sand?) *aiming...
  6. R

    Completely New Tank

    Ok, i'll keep an eye on it. i didnt really want to spend more than about £50 on a filter, so i shopped around and found a PLUS version of the Eheim and bought it.
  7. R

    Completely New Tank this one works out to be 7x turnover (390/55~ltrs), seems to have good reviews and ive found a set up guide :)
  8. R

    Completely New Tank

    Thanks again for your help, it's really appreciated. Ive been reading more about (R)UGF's tonight and i've decided against them. I'll instead use an EC, would the one below be ok? The filter listed above states...
  9. R

    Completely New Tank

    Thanks for all the comments guys! I did have a quick look through the Beginners Section, in fact i've been reading about tropical aquariums in general for about 2 days now (literally). I just wanted to get your opinion's before i bought anything more. Waterdrop - you said other filters would...
  10. R

    Completely New Tank

    Hi all, Ive just bought a 24x12x12 ~55ltrs, i'm wanting to build up a tropical aquarium over the course of the next month or so. I would like to use a combination of and my local pet supplier, (due to free delivery and supporting my local shop respectively). Anyway onto...