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  1. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Thanks for that Raptorrex, I naively presumed that they were an essential part of a tank set up, I have an ominous impression that my eleven year old son is going to get some kind of air decoration for me for christmas (i just hope it's nothing too tacky, lol), so until i know what it is i had...
  2. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Thanks for all the input everyone, the whole aquarium setting up is much less stressful with all these knowledgeable heads around. Another thing you guys could help me with is to do with air pumps, I am looking at a Tetratec APS either a 300 or a 400, which would be the most beneficial for my...
  3. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    That's fair enough. i think that on that note it would be worth me spending an extra £25 to get the 2000, may as well get the best i can afford. Thanks for that :good:
  4. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Thanks for that Skins, i did kind of think the 1400 would be more than adequate, but have read in some books, and aquarium websites that bigger is better, just wanted to double check. May treat myself to an early christmas prezzie and pick one of the 1400 up, have dropped enough hints to the...
  5. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Ok, now i have managed to aquire both a chemical test kit and a bottle of the highly recommended sea-chem, i am looking at filters, i am by no means stacked with cash, so have been looking at these filters on ebay 1400 or this one, 2000 Which would you guys recommend for my 170 tank?, i don't...
  6. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Cheers for that, that has answered a lot of my concerns, it's my very first attempt at trying get a tropical aquarium up and running, i will probably need all the help i can get, lol
  7. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Thanks for clearing that up Raptorrex, i was a little unsure on mixing products, as i do intend to do a fishless cycle. I know this means a longer more agonising wait for the fishy part, but woth every second of it, if it means my fish are going to get the best start. Should hopefully get the...
  8. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    I have gone with the trend here and purchased a 1/2 litre bottle of Seachem prime, had never heard of that one until you guys mentioned it, so thanks very much. Thanks also to Skins for the recommendation of the Tetra pumps, will have a look at them online when i eventually get home from work...
  9. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Sorry for the bump, but the Nutrafin Aqua Safe de-chlorinator ends pretty soon, and was just wanting an experts opinion before jumping in the deep end.
  10. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Thanks everyone for the replies, i have managed to find a good price on the API freshwater master kit, a smidge over £20 on ebay inc. postage. :good: As for the de-chlorinator, i have seen a 2 litre bottle of Nutrafin Aqua plus tap safe, for a little over £20, is this stuff any good?, or would...
  11. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Thanks for the replies everyone, this has set my mind at ease (i am probably a good two to three months off getting fish yet).
  12. yozzington

    Which Dechlorinator, And Shelf Life

    Hi everyone I am trying to get everything i need for freshwater aquarium, before starting to set up my tank. Can i ask the experts which is the recommended dechlorinator to use, and does it have a shelf life, and also does the Api master test kit have a shelf live?, sorry for the newbie...
  13. yozzington


    I know exactly where you are coming from on that one, i have not really looked at gravel much as of yet as i am still in the process of aquiring the items for setup, and i think i would like to get spares of everything too, just in case. I think for gravel i would be looking for something that...
  14. yozzington


    Many thanks for the welcome Carlovel and Biffster, it does seem a very friendly environment, just what I need, as this is my first venture into tropicals. Just about remember having a small tank when I was a nipper, the only real thing I remember about it was the awful bright coloured gravel it...
  15. yozzington


  16. yozzington


    It is indeed a most satisfying job, unfortunately during the last couple of years we have lost two excellent members of management, only to be replaced, by a couple of replacements who seem totally out of their depth, i think maybe to many chiefs and not enough indians so to speak. Other than...
  17. yozzington


    I must admit that i am in a slightly more favourable position with regards to getting another Dobie, as due to getting divorced i lost my home, and embarrassingly having to reside at my parents home for the time being, the price of property in the South Hams is way beyond comprehension, and way...
  18. yozzington


    Many thanks for the warm welcome Seffie, i will have to dig out any piccies i have of the old girl, and will put them up when i have done so. You know i was always told before i got her that once you have a Doberman, no other dog will do, i of course scoffed at the idea, but have to admit it's...
  19. yozzington


    Hi everyone, newbie here, may i add that this is a cracking site and i have learnt much from reading various articles. I must admit to have been a bit of a lurker on these forums for a wee while before taking the plunge and registering with the site. I have been toying with the idea of having...