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  1. F

    South Wales

    I am in caerphilly and just redone my Rio 180. Only have a dollar in it and a plec so will be adding a few fish in the coming month/s. Caerphilly Garden centre has a nice little shop and think its now owned by maidenhead aquatics a nice selection of...
  2. F

    Back Issues Of Practical Fishkeeping

    Hi there Do you still have them? Would you consider putting them in a box and I can get a courier to pick them up? Shame if they ended up in the bin cheers FZ
  3. F

    Rio 180 Recycle - Some Extra Advice Needed Please

    Not sure if this works but I loaded a picture of the tank photobucket as suggested. if it does not work, drop me a line. Where is the photo section on the forum to show your tank pictures. Wondering if there is a edit selection with it...
  4. F

    Rio 180 Recycle - Some Extra Advice Needed Please

    Spent the day setting up the tank and managed to get it up and running last night. I was about to put a picture on but its too big to put on here. Will try to work out to reduce it, if I cant I will try to post some pics on the pictures section (if there is one). the dollar, plec and two...
  5. F

    Rio 180 Recycle - Some Extra Advice Needed Please

    Thanks AA Some great advice. Keeping fish for about 10 years now but always kept the min approach. Hence the advice. Thanks
  6. F

    Rio 180 Recycle - Some Extra Advice Needed Please

    Cheers again 4098 That almost sorts everything out for me. The kids will be doing most of the fish watching. The airstones is mostly for effect and bubbles since the filter is doing most of the work. Plants - going for plastic. Live you said fish just eat them (live plants)! Thats leaves...
  7. F

    Rio 180 Recycle - Some Extra Advice Needed Please

    Many thanks 4098 1. Hopefully get some values soon. 2. 20-30 seems like a good number and what I had in mind, but was unsure because of the plec and dollar. I will add another dollar to the sums and hopefully with one or two more replies, I can take a average. 3. Yes I will be doing a...
  8. F

    Rio 180 Recycle - Some Extra Advice Needed Please

    Hi Guys Been a while since I last visited. A few years ago when I was last on, I got a Rio 180 beech setup. Been running fine and managed to get a Black Rio 180 (suits our decor). I am changing the tanks around and I have agreed to house 4 fish with a local fish place while I make the...
  9. F

    Aps Filter Tube - Outflow Spare Tube Needed

    HI Guys Grateful of any help. Wanted the flute like outflow tube - just one single piece. I have the Rio 180 Brought my first external filter - the APS 2000EF+ - so far so good. But the outflow tube which comes with it is a bit short - I have used all the black flute like tubes and it just...
  10. F

    Urgent Help - Eheim Thermo Vs Tetratec Ex700 Vs Eheim Help For 180L Ta

    CP thanks for the advice - in the end after all the research I went for the APS (all pond) 2000l/h - seemed like a bargain and loads of people here rate it highly. Thanks
  11. F

    All Pond Solutions Discount Code

    Cheers guys I used the code and got the 2000l/h and the complete kit - all in for £85 I guess I wont need to buy many more media for the rest of the year. Thanks
  12. F

    All Pond Solutions Discount Code

    I hope the code works as that's the best price option I have seen for a external. I need one for my Rio 180 as the filter went a few days ago and needs a urgent replacement. Guess the APS seems to be getting good reviews Thanks
  13. F

    Urgent Help - Eheim Thermo Vs Tetratec Ex700 Vs Eheim Help For 180L Ta

    Cheers CP Will look that model up and also the All Pond Solution 2000l/h has been thrown into the mix - I guess all of them are same price range but the sub 100 mark seems to be budget now. Hopefully will have one ordered by tomorrow for a quick delivery. Thanks
  14. F

    Urgent Help - Eheim Thermo Vs Tetratec Ex700 Vs Eheim Help For 180L Ta

    HI Guys Need some urgent help as my Rio 180 filter as just died and I have a good 14 different shaped fish in there and they are not very happy. I have 2 cheap air stone type bubble filter thingy things in there provide some air (I think)! so need to buy in next few days. Decided to go...
  15. F

    Rio 180 Tank Light Options And Help

    Hi All I have a Rio 180 and with like many of these the lights don't work anymore. Read the help section on how to fix but don't have the time to get all the parts together and do a fix it job on it. Don't want to buy another unit and have the same problem a few months down the line. Help...
  16. F

    Fixing Juwel Light Bar.

    HI Guys Got a Rio 180 with the light unit which everyone talks about. Not too keen to cut into it and amend the parts as I don't have the time to get the parts in and tinker with it. Can anyone recommend another unit which is cheaper that can be put into it? If not am I stuck with this unit...