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  1. T

    Problems Adding New Corys

    I have a 60-gallon tank for about 4 and a half years now. Through all my difficulties, mistakes, problems, diseases... and susequent learning over the first couple years, while many fish died... 4 Emerald Corys (Brochis splendens) survived. Now, I have kept tank conditions very good for the...
  2. T

    Cloudy Water Issue

    I've been very careful not to overfeed. I am not the person who feeds them every day, but I have made sure the other person doesn't overfeed as well, especially with less fish in the tank like now. I change the charcoal in the filters with every water change. I let the water sit for a few...
  3. T

    Cloudy Water Issue

    Overview: I have a 60-gallon tank, which I have had since July of 2008. I have 4 emerald corys (since July '08), some cardinal tetra, red serpae tetra, a bleeding heart tetra and some golden wonder killis. I am holding off on purchasing new fish until I solve this cloudy water issue. (oddly...
  4. T

    White Cloudy Matter/fungus ? On My Redwood Root

    See the topic I just posted: ' "Cottony" growth on gavel & bottom of plants ' Does what you have resemble what is in my photo?
  5. T

    "cottony" Growth On Gavel & Bottom Of Plants

    I have done research online to identify the cottony growth in my tank. See the photo. There is indication that it may be a kind of algae, but I can't be sure. It seems to spread, then disappear slowly (but never completely), then comes back again. I have a 60-gallon tank going for over two...
  6. fish cotton.jpg

    fish cotton.jpg
