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  1. C

    Ich Treatment Help

    Above 28c should kill it of within 16 days i believe but it your fish can handle it i hear 30c is the best temp for stopping whitespot also daily gravel vacs and water changes are a must infact i bought some fish last wek that are in my Q tank that i am treating for white spot so i shall be...
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    Neon Tetras Have Fin Rot

    Have you removed your carbon filter (sorry if you have i could not see it mentioned)? also my pleco has had fin rot since i got it (4 wks ago) and although i have not cleared it up i have drastically reduced the rot from where it was causing massive tears into the fin . to now where it is more...
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    Jbl Furanol 2 Help

    check it wont get pulled in at customs first though as its alot of money to spend for nothing i bought some plants from china that got stopped at customs :angry:
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    Help Me Stock My 75"

    yeah he is currently in my 60 gal neon tank ( i know bad idea) might move the neons and guppies to new tank and leave knife fish where he is will a BGKF also eat bamboo shrimp?
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    Help Me Stock My 75"

    thanks for the calculator dam thats alot of water looks like meds will need to be bought in larger bottles from now on lol
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    1St Time 0Ppm - Next Step ?

    dam this happened to me with my last tank . none of the stats seemed to change for over two weeks in the end i threw in two zebra danios and it seemed to make a difference took almost 3 wks to cycle good luck
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    Help Me Stock My 75"

    why wont they last long they are doing o.k now with the ghost and when i've kept loaches before they never even looked twice at the shrimp? do loaches eat them why the loaches grow larger? (if that is the case the shrimp will stay where they are) p.s. please explain to me the reasons why when...
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    Help Me Stock My 75"

    hi guys just got a L75" , W12" , H18" (NOT SURE ON LITRE)# And i was woundering if you guys could help me with some good suggestions to go with my BGKF that will be its first inhabitant i was thinking maybe some clown loaches? ideas please also could someone help me with the actaul waqter area...
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    At What Point Do I Seperate My Bgkf

    o.k guys and gals got myself a new tank 75" by 12" got it for 99p as it had no bottom i have fitted a (temp) plastic coated steel sheet for the bottom and it seems to of sealed just gotta spend the next two days rinsing it and hopefully when i do my water change on monday that water can go...
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    At What Point Do I Seperate My Bgkf

    yeah but it means buying another tank and moneys tight so need time to gather funds thats why i was woundering about size? i've contacted some people on the net who have BGKF with smaller fish and there simple reply was that they just got lucky and it never took any interest in eating their...
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    At What Point Do I Seperate My Bgkf

    I bought a BGKF (Black ghost knife fish) about a month ago for ym tetra tank the guy at the fish store recommended him for just that purpose( the git ) after doing some research i have discovered that the BGKF finds tetras very tasty once he gets big enough to eat them so my question is at...
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    Angels Torn Up Fins

    is there any discolouring or whitening around the edges of the fins where the tears appear ?
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    Are Guppies Or White Clouds More Nutritious?

    @ nmonks how about meal worms a friend of mine swears by them, but i can't see how fish would get the chance to eat them in the wild?
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    Not A Good Weekend :(

    fin rot and fungus meds come to mind but you should really finish one med at a time
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    Washed The Gravel In The Tank And Cleaned Tank

    could of been you stirred up some pollutents from the bottom of the tank while you were cleaning whats the water stats ? PH, nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, tempreture? I'm not very good at this kind of thing but the sooner you get these stats up the sooner people can help you diagnose your...
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    Guppy Missing An Eye

    done the water change and trimmed the edges of the plastic grass(took ages) to make it more rounded of (some of the points really were as thin as needles) the little guy seems to be doing o.k. now i just have to make sure he's looking the right way at feeding time did try putting him into a...
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    Not A Good Weekend :(

    best of luck
  18. C

    Guppy Missing An Eye

    i'm really worried about infection so did a water test this morning ( results above) and then did a 20% change just to be safe i was going to add some meds but then thought well which ones? i'm not a massive fan of just throwing in general tonics also forgot to add i have started treating for...
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    Not A Good Weekend :(

    i am by no means the most knowledgable person on here but maybe we would be better of trying to get a better diagnose of what is affecting them as specific treatment is better then general treatment and it may just help save some of them can you be very specific about their behavour and / any...
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    Guppy Missing An Eye

    he is a black ghost knife fish ( i think the guy at the store just said knife fish so i went home and found out for my self ) when i researched them i could not find anything about them being aggressive and i spend alot of time watching this fish and have not noticed anything like aggression...
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    Guppy Missing An Eye

    Hi guys just been staring at my fish and noticed one of my guppys was hidding away in the fake coral . Nothing unusual there as they often chill out in there when the light goes out . but then he turned around and i noticed he was missing an eye. the thing is totally gone and it looks like it...
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    Help Me Choose

    thats the ones thanks they are about 3.5cm at the moment so i don't think they are old fish as such
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    Help Me Choose

    yeah clear/silver body fins coloured yellow/black/white in that order starting from the body they all have a black spot just above their gills they look similar to this only they are clear and have a large spot on their backs also only a really thin yellow line on the fins and no red on the...
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    Help Me Choose

    cheers for the reply matt i glad you think the neons will look the part as for the pleco i'll be honest with you once they get to a certain size i pass them on to my brother. i know it may seem selfish to some fish owners but hey thats the way i do things and my bro takes good care of them he...
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    Help Me Choose

    hi guys i have a 67L tank and its currently got 2 male guppies , 2 zebra damio, 4 neon tetras, 5 (forget name )tetras with black spots, 1standard pleco and 1 of the old skool pleco(also forget name- they are the unmessed with one) anyway what i would like to know is where to go next i have...
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    Loverly Bubbly - Or Is It?

    thanks all i wanted to know was that it wasn't harmful i do have a setup for causing surface water movement so i should be o.k. there
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    Loverly Bubbly - Or Is It?

    Hi guys this is my first post on here i have recently started keeping fish and i have a question which may seem daft but anywho. I have a hell of alot of air bubbles in my tank . I have my filter set up to pump in air from a pipe that runs down the backe of the tank as well as an under gravel...