Search results

  1. Westwood

    Surprised How Quickly Fish Can Settle Into A New Tank

    I recently (Sunday) brought some German Blue Rams from the LFS, I brought 1 Male and 2 Female, Hopping for a pair to form. Very quickly they paid off and yesterday (Tuesday) I had some Eggs! I can't believe how quickly they have settled in, in 3 days! They haven't eaten the eggs yet and the...
  2. Westwood

    German Blue Ram Fry.

    German Blue Ram Fry.
  3. Westwood

    Hello, I'm Back After A Break.

    Hi, I used to be a active member on the forum but haven't been on for a while, But I want to try and remain active again! Not sure how many people i will remember from before.   I have kept many types of fish over the years, but my favourite to keep are south american fish!   At the moment i...
  4. Westwood

    Ex African Ciclid Breeder Changing To Firemouths

    Hi, I have kept a breeding pair of Firemouths successfully with Angelfish. I found that the Firemouths occupied the lower half of the tank whilst the Angels were in the top half. My tank was heavily planted so there were loads of places to hide! 
  5. Westwood

    Angel Fish Has Whirling Disease? (video Added)

    Could possibly be blind in the one eye. I had a angel that was blind in the one eye and only ever swan in the direction of her good eye. Just keep a close eye on it and keep the water clean! Westwood
  6. Westwood

    Picture Of My Shrimp

    Just spotted my shrimp in a funny position so i decided to share. The bottom shrimp is hanging on to the top shrimp, and both are feeding! Westwood
  7. Westwood

    Any Mac Users?

    Hi all, Who else is using then New OS? Thanks Matt
  8. Westwood

    What Do Cherry Shrimp Eggs Look Like?

    Cherry eggs are Green and stay inside the female. Those sound like snail eggs! Westwood
  9. Westwood

    The Uk And The Usa...

    English: Tea Red Dwarf NHS Usa: Steve Jobs (Apple) Space flight
  10. Westwood

    F2 Firemouth Cichlids! Postage Available!

    Bump Postage Now Available Via Royal mail Special Delivery! Westwood
  11. Westwood

    Your Most Embarrasing Moment

    Very similar, I was in Germany and they told me the womens was the mens. :blush: The a German woman came in, i never knew what she said to me! :lol: Westwood
  12. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    Fish Are now available In the classifieds At £4 per fish. Link to Ad Will also get a update in soon. Westwood
  13. Westwood

    F2 Firemouth Cichlids! Postage Available!

    Livestock: F2 Firemouth Cichlids 1" -1.75" Quantity for sale: 100+ Reason for Sale: Reaching A good size, Fish showing adult behaviour and coloured up well Delivery or Collection: Collection and Local delivery(at charge) Sales price: Looking for £4 Per fish, deals on bulk buys. Postage &...
  14. Westwood

    Amazon Sword Roots

    Its good to keep roots of amazon swords trimmed, as they can grow in-between the silicon and the glass. They are really tough things. westwood
  15. Westwood

    Help For Juwel Light-Bar Now Closed!

    I Need to say Thanks! My fish can see because of you! You do have some(most) grateful people! Westwood
  16. Westwood

    How Many Litres Water Change

    I would do 80-100l
  17. Westwood

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    HAHA You loose!! :lol: :lol:
  18. Westwood

    Juwel 180 Rim, Can It Be Swapped Around?

    +1 I tried on my lido but I found it was siliconed. I'm not sure how big the Rio 180 is but be sure I doesn't do anything structural. Westwood
  19. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    As I say I am not planning on selling loads at the moment, as I want to grow them bigger to get the price I am looking for. I am getting a 110L, 3' tank for them in the next couple of weeks. Thanks Westwood
  20. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    I Know it is Expensive but I know people are going to knock my price down what ever price I put up. I Have had a few people interested already and have moved on 4 fish so far. I appreciate your Advice, but I don't plan on selling masses yet, I still want to grow them on until they all are about...
  21. Westwood

    Show Off Your Fish

    Here are my fish: My breeding pair of F1 Firemouth Cichlids My L264: Will get a few more pictures up soon, Hope you all like them Westwood
  22. Westwood

    What Are You Listening To?

    Love Is Noise - The Verve. Say Something - James Ada - The National iTunes Shuffle you are brilliant!
  23. Westwood

    What Fishes You Would Never Have?

    And no other Cichlids are! :lol: :lol: :lol: As Cichlids go, Angels are very passive!
  24. Westwood

    What Fishes You Would Never Have?

    What is with all the hate on Angel fish. Great fish! Fish hates: Livebearers!!! ARHH :angry: Is it just me or are they really, really, really thick. They are surrounded by glass all day all night, but they still swim into it all day all night. No love what so ever. That's about it really. Rant...
  25. Westwood

    External For Lido 120

    I have a Fluval 205 on mine that is rated at 680LPH, but I feel it still need more power. Im going to change to this filter, soon. Westwood
  26. Westwood

    My Temporary Setup!

    Yes, I changed the sand not too long ago. I'm using a Fluval 205 but I want to upgrade it to something bigger, many a 305 or a APS Filter. Westwood
  27. Westwood

    Which Liquid Fertiliser?

    In my tank I use TPN+ (tropical plant nutrition plus) and Easycarbo. I got these as they were recommended to me on here by a few members! Westwood
  28. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    I will have to get my eye in on sexing them! Just read a few sites said it was impossible, but this is because they are heavily tank breed. I have just found a second spawn and have got the wrigglers in a breeding box, which is great! More reason to get a bigger tank! Thanks Westwood
  29. Westwood

    My Temporary Setup!

    I would love to, but I just don't have the room to have them all in a line in my room. :( Both lots of fry (in the edge and in the breeding box) are my Firemouth fry, parents are the 3rd picture. See my journal in my signature! :good: Westwood
  30. Westwood

    My Temporary Setup!

    Just thought I would show a few pictures of my tanks at the moment. As I'm painting my room I have had to move the tanks, and I thought it looked good all next to each other! The newest Additions Mr and Mrs. Thanks for looking!
  31. Westwood

    Roma 90 Or Lido 120

    Both great tanks, But I can recommend the Lido 120! As it is so Tall you can get some really good aquascapes. :good: Westwood
  32. Westwood

    Firemouth Fry!

    I'm going to try and keep them as long as I can to get the very best price I can. They are finally getting frisky again and I think there may be eggs in the tank now. I will get a 3 foot tank soon to finish growing them, or I may divide it so I can have 2 lots of fry at once. Westwood
  33. Westwood


    Hello! I remember you! Welcome back! Westwood
  34. Westwood

    Fallen In Love - I Would Like You Personal Experiences Please!

    Hi, I have one, Still having little success with it so far. When I originally put the plant in my tank, all the leaves melted and I was just left with the bulb. Now I have about 2 leaves that are about 8" in length so I hope they do ok! It seems a very very hard plant to keep. I hope the plants...
  35. Westwood

    Last One To Post Here Wins

    Thread Closed.... Too much spam. :sly: :sly: :sly:
  36. Westwood

    Weekly "off Topic" Topic (2/04/12)

    My Neighbour is now my boss! :crazy: So I have got to be careful! Sneak hope quietly when drunk ect! Westwood
  37. Westwood

    Brand New Fluval 405 Filter

    Hi is this still for sale? Westwood
  38. Westwood

    High Grade Red Cherry Shrimp, Sakura & Fire Red

    Hi Bungy, Would you do 25 for £25 posted? Thanks! :good: Westwood
  39. Westwood

    Eggs In The Tank!

    Definitely Angel Eggs. They will make mistakes until they learn not to eat the eggs usually 2-4 spawns. Congratulations Westwood