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  1. F

    Newbie Who Needs Help

    Hi im Chris i am new to tropical fish. I was given a red tailed shark and a pleco, they got on really well until i introduced another pleco into the tank with some tetras. The red tailed shark did not go for the Tetras but he went for the Pleco instead. I am confused because the Pleco is a lot...
  2. F

    Fish Behaviour

    Hi im Chris i am new to tropical fish. I was given a red tailed shark and a pleco, they got on really well until i introduced another pleco into the tank with some tetras. The red tailed shark did not go for the Tetras but he went for the Pleco instead. I am confused because the Pleco is a lot...
  3. F

    Hi im new please can i have some advice

    Hi im new please can i have some advice