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  1. C

    Yoyo Loaches- Predatory Behaviour Observed

    I had quarantined the Danios for a week - and they had shown no signs of illness. What size tank should I keep the loaches in? I have a larger (150l) tank - but I thought that 70l would be more than enough room for them - they're less about 5cm long!
  2. C

    Yoyo Loaches- Predatory Behaviour Observed

    Hi I set up a tank approximately 7 month ago and everything was going smoothly - I have some dwarf gouramis, a couple of black mollys and three yoyo loaches (with a distinct hierarchy). My tank is all hunky dory, I feed the fish with standard flakes, loach flakes, and occasionally blood worms...
  3. C

    Dwart Gourami Issue - Male Might Be Sick :(

    he's still acting the same - not dead yet. I don't know if I should just humanly kill him - he's not happy :(
  4. C

    Dwart Gourami Issue - Male Might Be Sick :(

    Hello, Some stats about my tank: 30L Tank - pH 7.5 NH4 <0.05 Nitrite 0.0 Temperature 26oC 3 DG (2 female - 1 male) 3 Zebra Loaches I've had the tank up and running about 4 months now and everything has gone swimmingly - regular water changes etc. filter fine and water temperature is...
  5. C

    Dwart Gourami Issue - Male Might Be Sick :(

    Hello, Some stats about my tank: 30L Tank - pH 7.5 NH4 <0.05 Nitrite 0.0 Temperature 26oC 3 DG (2 female - 1 male) 3 Zebra Loaches I've had the tank up and running about 4 months now and everything has gone swimmingly - regular water changes etc. filter fine and water temperature is...
  6. C

    Dwarf Gourami Tankmates?

    I'm currently cycling my filter fine at the moment. I've got 3 male dwarf gouramis, and as of yet they've shown little aggression to one another and hopefully that will stay the case. I've been doing water replacements and checking nitrate levels and pH everything is going swimmingly at the...
  7. C

    Dwarf Gourami Tankmates?

    hey hey hey! :hyper: I recently set up a 80l freshwater tropical tank with good plant coverage, and I've been given three dwarf gouramis for the tank. I was thinking about adding a Betta splendens to the tank - is this a good idea :crazy: ? I've been told conflicting reports from different...
  8. C

    is a newbie.

    is a newbie.