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  1. B

    My Tanks Turned Green

    over the last 48hrs my tank as turned green,have i got an algea problem starting..? if so what do i do..? ive already changed 25% of the water but it hasn't made much or any difference...,the tank as been running now for over 3 month's and the fish i have seem settled..ALL HELP WILL BE MUCH...
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    What Am I Doing Wrong..?

    will give that i go then,thanks..
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    What Am I Doing Wrong..?

    thanks for that roadmaster will see how it goes..!
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    What Am I Doing Wrong..?

    thanks for your comment.,i beleive it is brown algae its on the gravel,leaves(fake)a pot orniment,a white rock and is now on the tank.. what do i do next..?
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    What Am I Doing Wrong..?

    cheers david12 for your comments..,i beleive that it is brown algae,its on the gravel(sparcly spread),on leaves that are fake,witch are attatched to a peice of wood,a white rock,an ornimental horse and is now appearing on the tank its self..what do i do next...??
  7. B

    What Am I Doing Wrong..?

    ive been running my tank for a week now and everything is turning brown or getting brown marks on it,where am i going wrong,can someone help..! thankyou