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  1. vulkan

    30 Gallon

    Here's my 30 gallon tank. There's 14 Pimephales promelas and two ghost shrimp. Tightly stocked but I compensate with water changes. I'm tight on funds but I currently have a few anubias nana's and some java fern growing on the roots. The clay pots are for spawning.
  2. vulkan

    Brine Shrimp

    Would any fish roughly 2 to 3 inches long (Giant danios / danios / etc.) feed on newly hatched brine shrimp? Or would they be too small for the fish to locate. I feel as if I started to feed BBS, or attempted to, it wouldn't go so well without training the fish to eat them.
  3. vulkan

    Co2 Tank Question

    What size co2 tanks do you use, what size is your tank, and how long do they usually last? I was looking at smaller co2 tanks, such as a 5lbs / 10lbs / 15lbs but was unsure of how long the co2 would last assuming I'm doing 1 or 2 bps. -Edit- I also forgot to ask where a good place would be...
  4. vulkan

    New (Second Hand) Fish Tank Questions W/pictures

    Filters are sort of a "your own preference" kind of thing. Many people swear by canister filters, others swear by HOB (Hang-On-Back) filters. In the end they both essentially do the same thing, canister filters are better looking in the tank and you can adjust the water current because many come...
  5. vulkan

    Feeding Renzy

    There are two varieties, Pimephales promelas (flatheads)and Pimephales vigilax (bullheads). They both are sold in bait shops for live bait. I find them interesting because when spawning the male cares for the eggs just like a cichlid would. There's also a red variety which falls under the same...
  6. vulkan

    Feeding Renzy

    I tried flash, motion, and macro settings on my 7.1 camera and all were bad. The macro photos turned out best, they move too fast even when they aren't eating to get a good picture :sad: The algae on my glass probably isn't helping either.
  7. vulkan

    Feeding Renzy

    -Edit- I misspelled frenzy, stupid F key... These are my flatheads going crazy over this algae wafer, trust me, they eat every last bit of it, and then they all go hang under the java fern and rest because they are stuffed.
  8. vulkan

    Fatheads/bullheads Extremely Skiddish.

    Never mind my thread, they seem to have calmed down today, they are now swimming around the middle strata and acting like normal fish, they are still slightly skiddish, but they are making progress, I'll post pics of when they start spawning, which wont be long :hey:
  9. vulkan

    Fatheads/bullheads Extremely Skiddish.

    I have some Pimephales Vigilax in my 30 gallon, they are the only inhabitants in the tank, they have been in the tank roughly 2 1/2 days now and whenever I open the lid / walk in the room / or when the timer turns my tank lights on, they dart every which way. I think one of the main problems is...
  10. vulkan

    How To Clean An Hp Tank

    What plants do you have in that tank? That looks really good.
  11. vulkan

    Low Light Planted Tank

    Thanks for the info. That tank of yours is beautiful, is that tank co2 injected/fertilized? I'll be sure to take pics if I do follow through with purchasing those plants and see how they grow. I've been reading article after article about DIY co2 systems and how to measure your ppm's etc. Are...
  12. vulkan


    Hello everyone!
  13. vulkan

    Low Light Planted Tank

    I currently have a 29 gallon tank with a 20w 2800k fluorescent tube (roughly .70 wpg if my math is correct). I've grown java moss in it previously, but I was curious how Java Fern, Clover Leaf, Crypts, and Amazon Swords would grow. Would it be worth upgrading the tube without having algae out my...