Search results

  1. H

    Your thoughts wanted

    Hi, I thought I'd get a few opinions on my chosen fish. You can see below what I have already in my planted 126 litre tank (3330 sq cm SA). I'm sure I have room for a small shoal, 8 or so Cardinal Tetras and an obligatory Ancistrus. Do you think that's enough? Room for a pair of Congo Tetras...
  2. H

    Nubie from Oz

    Hi all, I'm just venturing into tropical fishkeeping, down under in Townsville. thought I'd say hi on my way through, lots to learn. ;)
  3. H

    Hello Fish Fans

    I thought I'd say Hi too. I'm in Townsville, just got my 1st tank for my Birthday last week. I'll do a bit of reading then ask for some opinions on my choice of fish. I WILL need help! :D