Search results

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    Coral Stone/rock

    After an hour or so the the 2 beige rocks that floated actually sank and i've been told on another forum that they may be pumice stones.
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    Coral Stone/rock

    Sorry for the late reply and thanks for the replies so far. I had a sneaking suspicion that it would be a bad idea. I've taken some pics of the rock and have done the vinegar test and none of them fizz. I've also soaked them in boiling water and the 2 beige/sand coloured rocks actually float...
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    Coral Stone/rock

    During our holiday to Thailand my kids picked up some coral stones which were washed up on the beach which they've bought back. Ignoring if bringing back dead coral stones is legal or not as the thought never occurred to me :) can I put the stones in my freshwater tank?   I've done a quick...
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    Light On Hood Broken

    Can you post a pic so that we can see the exact socket/damage?
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    Tec12 Filter Leaking

    My fluval 305 can also leak from the seal but a quick does of vaseline on the seal normally fixes this. The vaseline serves 2 purposes, oil based to seal small gaps but quite as importantly it lubes the seal so that when you clamp the top in place it stops the seal from...
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    Faulty Light Fitting On My Fluval Roma 90 Tank

    I get this with my Roma 200 and your problem sounds like the same as mine which is the contact at the end of each tube. It seems that after some time they just stop making proper contact. I've taken the end bits apart a number of times and bent and reshaped the contacts which does fix the...
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    Switching From Gravel To Sand

    I've just changed from a slate substrate to sand today but I used pool filter sand and opted for a grain size of 1mm-2mm. The grains do look a bit on the large size but I had read of play sand being too fine and compacting so erred on the side of caution. It has given the tank a more airy and...
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    Cleaning Filter Pipes

    I used some 2.5mm electrical wire and taped a tooth brush to the end, then fed that in and just brushed the innards of the pipe clean :)
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    Seeking Advice On Coldwater Tank

    #40##, that's put a stopper on my plans to do more with my tank. Any suggestions on what I can add, no Goldfish though :)
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    Wtd: Fake But Decent Plants :)

    Done, sorry didn't realise it applied to wanted ads.
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    Wtd: Fake But Decent Plants :)

    Wanted: Looking for some decent fake plants Age and condition: Any Quantity wanted: 3-4+ Sales price: Open to offers Location: London My tank is 18" tall so am looking for a variety of sizes so let me know what you have and how much :) All negotiations and questions must be posted in this...
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    Seeking Advice On Coldwater Tank

    I have a 200 litre coldwater tank housing a 5" Goldfish and 3" Paradise fish. Substrate currently is slate chips, the chips being on average around 1" and have a couple of fake plants. The Goldfish does make the tank messy so the slate requires a regular siphon/clean. Now I want to introduce...
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    Fake Plants And Ornaments

    Anybody else?
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    Fluval 304 Leaking

    Why did you think that a new aquastop valve would stop the leak when you pictured the leak from the side of the lid?
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    Fluval 304 Leaking

    When putting the lid on my 405 I always make sure to apply equal pressure so that it goes on square? Only after I pushed the lid on do I do up the catches. Also, lubing the rubber seal is always a good idea as it also stop the seal from being dislodged when putting the top of the filter on.
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    Fake Plants And Ornaments

    Sorry for the delayed response :) Dave, thanks for emailing me the pics, going to say no for now as I already have a few that look very similar. Asteria, I'm in NW London which according to your location is a long, long way away :)
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    Fake Plants And Ornaments

    iamateaf @ bigfoot . com just get rid of the spaces :)
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    Fake Plants And Ornaments

    If you could email that would be good :) Can you somehow get my email from the site or do I need to give it?
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    Fake Plants And Ornaments

    I think I've asked before and didn't get much back but I'm after some fake plants and ornaments for my 200L tank. Let me know what you have and how mucho, thanks.
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    2 Fake Plastic Plants "fern"

    Lucky that they're made of plastic in that case :) EDIT: Sent the OP a PM asking if they are still available.
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    2 Fake Plastic Plants "fern"

    How tall/wide are these? EDIT: #41####, just seen the original post date :(
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    Making Ornament's

    Your colour choice for you font makes reading what you've typed difficult? Is that the same for everyone or is there something wrong with my laptop?
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    What Tank For Me

    There's a couple of sellers on ebay who have a Fluval Roma 200, with stand and external 305 filter, well there were when I looked a few months ago before I got my tank.
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    Some Newb Stand Questions

    To tip a tank like that over you'd have to lever it from the top edge, a typical 2-3 year old wouldn't be tall enough plus if the lid is always kept on the tank then there's little or no chance. When my kids were little I kept an eye on them for a week or so, you obviously can't be there all...
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    Miracle Fish!

    Not a story of survival I'm afraid but when I got my tank second hand the seller threw in around 20+kgs of slate chips. The slate was full of muck so I decided that I had to clean/wash it out before. Had to do bits at a time over a number of days but when I got to the last lot whilst running my...
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    How Long For Chlorine To Evaporate?

    Reason I said fill her up was I remember when I got my tank I was eager to get it filled as soon as but had to wait around 2 painful weeks as I had to give it a good clean as I got it second hand.
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    Used Heaters And Other Bits For Sale

    Am also interested in the plants but need to see pics, that's if they haven't been sold to salty pig? Create an account on imgshack, upload the pics and then copy the links to the pics from imgshack back here.
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    How Long For Chlorine To Evaporate?

    You can still fill the tank can't you? Just don't plumb the filter in till you've got and added the tapsafe.
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    All I Wanted Was A Relaxing Afternoon!

    I seem to remember a post saying don't forget to put the taps on, well DOH! is all I can say. :)
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    The Greatest Solution For Under Tank Mat/polystyrene

    Do all tanks need this? Think I'm correct in saying that my Roma tank specifically states not to put anything underneath as the tank has a plastic surround at the bottom and top.
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    Fluval Vs Marineland

    NO idea which filter is better but wouldn't the 205 be too low on the flow rate side for a 45G tank?
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    Now This Is A Tank

    How the hell would you move that then?
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    Solid Desk To Be Used As A Stand?

    If it's a standard desk with side and half/two thirds back support then no way as the front middle of the desk will bow under the weight of the tank and water. Personally I wouldn't risk it as 200l of water is a lot of water to deal with should the worst happen.
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    Sponge With Power Filter?

    If you're talking about the sponges in the filter then generally you don't need to replace them till they are literally falling apart. When giving the tank a clean save some tank water and give the sponges a clean by gently squeezing them in the saved tank water to get rid of any debris they may...
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    Water Changes

    I used to be part of the bucket-water-change clan but no more :) I've now got a length of hose, used a hose coupling fitting to connect the hose to my siphon and now siphon the tank which is in the lounge straight into the downstairs toilet. To fill up I just run the garden hose from outside...
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    Run Me Through Cleaning The Tank

    I never claimed that they were, I was answering what the reason for only cleaning half was and as far I know that is the reason.
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    Roma 240 Cabinet

    The middle space is accessible from 1 of the door, as to which door it totally depends on who built it as you can decide at that time. Also to the guys/gals who are having problems with the front of the tank dripping, are you sure you're not overfilling it? I fill my tank up to the point that I...
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    Today I Went To My Favourite Lfs And...

    Today I didn't go to my local LFS and instead spent the afternoon silicone sealing our shower cubicle, worst thing is that I ran out of the sealant when doing the last vertical line :(
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    Run Me Through Cleaning The Tank

    It's to do with not removing all the beneficial bacteria that may be present in the gravel as you've done a 2/3 water change. Also the green text hurts my eyes :)
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    Bag Of Mature Media

    Seems a shame to bin them, if you were local to me I would have taken the ceramic, assuming they are rings as I need some for my filter to replace some carbon bags.