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  1. natwood

    Looking For New Homes For My Clowns And Corals.

    Hello everyone. Not been on here in a while. I moved into a flat and sadly couldn't take my tank with me. As I don't get to spend much time with it anymore I'm just putting out feelers to see if anyone in the Stockport area would be interested in taking on my Clownfish. They're 5 years old and...
  2. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hello everyone. Not been on here in a while. I moved into a flat and sadly couldn't take my tank with me. As I don't get to spend much time with it anymore I'm just putting out feelers to see if anyone in the Stockport area would be interested in taking on my Clownfish. They're 5 years old and...
  3. natwood

    Downsizing To A Boyu Hs-60 (Possibly)...

    Hey everyone! Not been on here in a while but have been plodding on with my Juwel Rio 125 for the past couple of years ( Having gone through various phases of stock, I've had (and lost) a number of fish over the...
  4. natwood

    Clownfish With Ich

    my clownfish are a nightmare to get pictures of as they hang out round the back. i'll try. my params are all fine, except my salt levels are a little low as my LFS seems to have mixed their water too low. it's at around 1.020. could this be the problem?
  5. natwood

    Clownfish With Ich

    Looks like my clownfish has somehow got white spot/ich. I've not added anything to my tank recently so I don't know how this has happened. It's got a fairly big spot on one side, and a few little ones too. Does this sound like ich? Does anybody have an suggestions of how I should treat it? :( Thanks
  6. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Ah I'm not having much luck with my torch. I've lost two of the heads and a third seems to be on it's way out. I've got 2 that look quite strong though. I keep trying to adjust the flow etc to see what it is he wants me to do but I don't know. I've checked all my params and they're fine : (!
  7. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Here's the pics as promised! I've not got one of my tank overall as my Toadstool is in at the moment and looks a bit sorry for itself. I'm constantly messing around with flow in my tank as I'm still not happy with it and it doesn't seem to like what I've got it set up as at the moment. I've had...
  8. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hi everyone! Not updated in a fairly long time but I am still very much into my marine tank! Quick update at the moment but I'll upload pictures in the next day or so... Yesterday I purchased a Torch coral for my tank. My first LPS! Which is the main coral I've been after since I first set up...
  9. natwood

    on a mission to remove the abundance of bristleworms from my tank!

    on a mission to remove the abundance of bristleworms from my tank!
  10. natwood

    Bristleworm Problem

    Thanks everyone. I've gradually been getting rid of them by dropping food in..and then when they poke out from the rock I'm pressing them down into the sand with a long plastic rod that I have..and for some reason the worm comes fully out of the rock..then I scoop it up in a net and remove it...
  11. natwood

    Cleaner Shrimp Shedding Problem

    Unfortunately the shrimp died a few hours later : ( ! I'd had him about a year aswell. The first thing I added to my tank I think! RIP Pierre.
  12. natwood

    Cleaner Shrimp Shedding Problem

    I just witnessed my cleaner shrimp shedding for the first time, I've never seen it happen before..I;ve only found the evidence in the past. It snapped in half and then fired itself out of it's old skin backwards..very interesting to watch! But then it just lay on the sand completely motionless...
  13. natwood

    Bristleworm Problem

    I've had my tank for just over a year now and I've had an increasing number of bristleworms since then. Now it's got to the point where when I feed my fish, bristleworms pop out from literally everywhere. It's not even at night, and sometimes it's not even when I put food in..they just come out...
  14. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hi Rhy, Sorry for the late reply. Yeah I think I just didn't have much stuff to 'skim' at the start as I don't think I had any fish in then. Now it collects a good amount that needs cleaning out every few days. Hope this helps!
  15. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Here's some pictures I've just taken of my latest additions and tank at the moment! Had a productive tank day, with a regular water change, full clean of the skimmer, proper thorough removing of the algae that had formed on the glass (mostly the back) and a clean of the pump. Feeling all good...
  16. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Just added a Blue Damsel and a Humbug Damsel to my tank. Whilst at my LFS though..I fell in love with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp! Didn't know much about them, but have done a bit of reading about them and am amazed at their symbiotic relationship with a Goby. I've always wanted to get a Goby too, so...
  17. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Ben. I'm hoping to get a Torch tomorrow. Here's a little list of a few things I want to get soon: Blue Damsel Humbug Damsel (I'm going to introduce at the same time to avoid aggression) Pincushion Urchin
  18. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've not got a Mag testkit. Just the API Reef Master Test Kit (Calcium, Carbonate Hardness, Phosphate and Nitrate) I've just tested my levels and got a shock..I didn't think I'd have that much Calcium in there at all! Guess my tanks almost ready for a Torch Coral then! Calcium: 380 mg/l...
  19. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hi Ben, thanks for that. I ended up getting API Eco Calcium Marine supplement. Do I just start to build it up slowly?
  20. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hey thanks everyone, everything doing well at the moment. I've got a bit of a bubble algae problem so going to get another Emerald Crab today to replace the one that died. I really really want to get a Torch coral soon, I've spotted an amazing one in my LFS, but I've not got any LPS's at the...
  21. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Here's a couple of pics of my tank at the moment, including my most recent addition..the purplefish. It's a really great fish, always out at the front on display, which is just what I needed seeing as my 2 clownfish just hide up in the top corner near the pump still!
  22. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks for that guys. Yeah nothing seems wrong with my tank and there's definitely nothing dead (unless there's some epic bristleworm that's dead somewhere) some of those guys are huge. It's ridiculous. I got a coral-banded shrimp about a month ago but he's still not even attempted to eat any of...
  23. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Hey guys. Not been on in a while as I've been super busy. I've suddenly come across a little problem however. I've been doing my regular waterchanges every week and had no problems, but this last time I've tested my water, I've suddenly detected a tiny amount of Nitrite (0.1ppm). I can't think...
  24. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks Seffie. I've had loads on at the moment with my degree coming to an end. I'll post pictures of some of my new corals when I next get chance!
  25. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I seem to be going from one problem to another at the moment! Which is a shame seeing as I'm really keeping on top of my maintenance at the moment, and keeping all my levels really good. Yesterday my Emerald Crab died for some unknown reason. My mum is convinced that he didn't get enough food...
  26. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Haha, well it seems like it's still having a strop actually! It's started getting more yellow patches all over it and it keeps randomly not opening up now. This is the most it's opened in the last few days.. Can't understand what's up with it!
  27. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Thanks for that Ben. Opening the flaps and using a fan really helped. The temp is staying pretty stable now and my toadstool has finally opened up today too :)
  28. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    As much as I'm enjoying this weather, today my tank's temperature has soared to 30*C. Usually I run my tank at around 25-27*C. I've noticed that my toadstool coral has closed up and it's got a few bright green/yellow spots on it. Is this relating to the temperature? Not sure what to do!
  29. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Went to my LFS to get some water today but ended up coming away with some new coral! It was too good to turn down really. A Toadstool Coral and a Finger Coral for just £30, so I had to have it. They've already opened up a fair amount and look quite settled in already!
  30. natwood

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    Wow Harry you've been busy! I'm waiting until I've got some money together before I get anything else for my tank at the moment. It's crazy how much money can be spent on a little box filled with water! Lol. Looking good though!
  31. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Recently I've noticed that my tank has loads of little bugs in it. They kind of look like little tiny bent in half shrimp and they run around all the rocks. They range in size from about 5mm-1cm big and are see-through in colour. Today my Ricordea hasn't opened up as much as it usually has, and...
  32. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    All the baby shrimp were gone by morning. I think my clownfish ate themselves silly. Haha. Here's an updated picture of my Ric now that it's settled in. It really is amazing how much it can change in size from night to day time.
  33. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    My Ricordea has settled in nicely, it seems to be getting bigger each day I'm sure! It's flattened out a lot and is turning a purpley colour which suits me! Anyway..tonight I arrived home to my tank being full of what I thought was bits of cotton wool (not that it would have been a feasible...
  34. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yayy my Ricordia came. It's pretty tiny as I expected and unfortunately it doesn't look as blue as it did on the website but it's fine. Can't wait for it to grow. My little striped shrimp (Shrimpy) seems to have taken a shine to it, he keeps tapping his little legs on it. Here's some pics (spot...
  35. natwood

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    Thanks Harry. Forgot the Toadstool Coral was a softy. I've just ordered myself a Ricordea Florida. Can't wait!
  36. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Harry..I've got 16kgs live rock in there now. I think that's probably about my limit now. Glad you like my rockwork, it was awkward trying to rearrange them into a position that wouldn't topple over! Thanks Morri, yep those are the new tubes. I love how everything looks under much...
  37. natwood

    Harrys Juwel Rio 125 Marine Tank

    Wow Harry. I love your toadstool coral. Are you having to add Calcium to your tank now to keep those corals?
  38. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yeah I don't want to get a fish for a while. I'm going to get a Royal Gramma again though next time I think. I'm just going to start working on my corals now. First I'm going to sort myself out with some phosphate remover to get rid of my Phosphates. Here's some pictures of my tank with it's...
  39. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    I've just found a massive pink bristleworm in my tank. It's about 4 inches long and 1cm thick. Does it sound like a good guy or a bad guy? *edit* I've just done some research and found it to be a Eurythoe Complanata. I think it's a good guy so I'm gonna pop it back in.
  40. natwood

    Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

    Yeah I'm not going to get another for a while. I took it back today and got a refund. They tested my water and it was completely perfect, so it's definitely nothing I've done wrong which is good. Instead I went for something that won't die on me..a big new chunk of live rock! I've been keeping...