Search results

  1. N

    new molly fry

    I want to thank both of you (balloon molly, & sushi) for your info it is very helpful to me. :fish: by the way another molly just had more fry today. there are 13 of them alive. :) :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
  2. N


    :blink: My silver lyretail molly had babies. I removed them from the big tank because my black molly liked to eat the fry. I want to know how to feed and care for them. can anyone help me.
  3. N


    congrats :D
  4. N

    new molly fry

    can ne one help me i want to keep these fyr and reintroduce them into the bigger tank when they're older. Can ne one at least tell me a way to feed them.
  5. N

    Boycott the walmart fish!

    The walmart aaroud here is pretty bad. The bettas look like someone needs to kill them to end their misery and suffering. The other fish look bad but after you buy them they look okay for a couple of days. Then they suddenly die after the 48 hour guarantee ends. :sick:
  6. N

    new molly fry

    I just bought some mollies monday. and one of the fish gave birth today(wednesday). I have separated out the fry that are alive into their own small tank. There are three still alive. I want to know how to take care of them raise them and feed them.
  7. N


    :flowers: Thank you all for your advice :flowers:
  8. N


    can anyonehelp me
  9. N


    I have one platy in a ten gallon tank. I want to add more platies, 1 female betta, mollies. Is this alright
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    thanks for that advice I don't understand why one fish started biting the other. They were both females, I think.
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    my tank is 10 gollons
  12. N


    Can any anyone help me please :no: :-(
  13. N


    We had two platies. One startes biting the other. The other is dead. We are afraid to put more fish in our tank. Any advice.