Search results

  1. M

    Potting Soil?

    Ok thanks, i dont think i will risk it.
  2. M

    Cheapest Black Substrate

    im in the uk, have tries my lfs and pets at home, there expensive :angry:
  3. M

    New Help

    I would reccommend, a male betta and shrimp :)
  4. M

    Potting Soil?

    Sorry, 2nd thread, need advice asap. Is it ok to use potting soil for a tank, with nothing on top of it like sand, just used the 'compost' just like that?
  5. M

    Cheapest Black Substrate

    Howdy all! :) I need some black substrate, but i have looked everywhere and its really expensive. I currently have Toys r us play sand, is there anyway i could dye it, if not is there any cheap black sand or gravel that you's know of? :good: