Search results

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    Rooting Plants?

    Yeh i did thanx :cool:
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    samurai fighting fish

    :D Siamese Fighting Fish, mmmmm so pretty!!! :cool:
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    Angel Fish In My Tank?

    i have 20 gallon tank. How many fish would you advise to fit in the tank its part planted? Thanks :P :cool:
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    Angel Fish In My Tank?

    I am looking to add a pair of Angel fish to my tank. I have been told that its not the best idea to add them to a community tank as they will take over and eat small fish. Is this true? I have 4 Giant Danios and 4 Glowlight Tetras, 2 Neon Tetras. I looking to add some bettas and catfish as...
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    Fat Fish Bellys

    Not that i know of, this is my first tank. Do you know what i should be looking for?
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    Rooting Plants?

    Will real plants root in my tank?
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    Fat Fish Bellys

    Thanks People :D :thumbs:
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    Fat Fish Bellys

    Do you think? Been trying to keep the nitrate levels down and have only been feeding them once a day just enough for them to feed for about 40 seconds. :D
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    Fat Fish Bellys

    I started a new tank a bout a month ago, i have 4 Giant Danios and 2 Glowlight Tetras. I brought an extra 2 Glowlight Tetras and 2 Neon Tetras. I noticed that one of the Glowlight Tetras had a very fat belly. A week later and another Glowlight Tetra has a fat belly as well as the largest of the...