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  1. ojo

    Black Fins...

    hope you can see photo! if not look to the left.[/
  2. ojo

    Ph Too High...

    Ammonia 0 nitrite 0.3 nitrate 0.3
  3. ojo

    Black Fins...

    three tetras have died, and now my red honey gourami as black on his fins! is this Flukes parasite? need help fast.
  4. ojo

    Ph Too High...

    that sounds like a great idea, ill do that with both rock and sand seperatly, will post my results in couple of days. cheers.
  5. ojo

    Ph Too High...

    not sure, think it aragonite sand, coud be wrong though. i also have bogwood, is that ok? i did vinegar test on sandstone it didnt fizz, dose it have to be dry to test?
  6. ojo

    Ph Too High...

    ok will test the sandstone, thanx. bit new to this what is substrate?
  7. ojo

    Ph Too High...

    yes i have a beautiful sandstone cave.... your going to say thats my problem arnt you. ill take it out. is there anything i could coat it in?
  8. ojo

    Ph Too High...

    just tested tap water and its is 7.5 !
  9. ojo

    Ph Too High...

    PH is at 9.0 how can i bring it down? ive been adding 'API PH down' but its not working! :blink: also why are some of my tetras sitting on top of the filter, about an inch from top of water level? as it anything to do with the PH!
  10. ojo

    Tropical Creatures?

    Bamboo shrimp! sounds interesting ill have a look at them. :)
  11. ojo

    Tropical Creatures?

    I have 95L tank, i really wanted turtles but after reading care sheet its a no no. dont snails over populate, may look at frogs. thanx
  12. ojo

    Tropical Creatures?

    What can i put in my tank besides fish? i already have 2 red honey gouram and five tetras but want to add something a bit different in a few months, got any ideas i can reserch?
  13. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    An up date on my nutrafin cycle. saterday i added 2 red honey gouram and 5 tetras. tested today, day 6. hp 8.5 think its bit too high! ammonia 0 nitrite 0.3 nitrate 10 fish look fine :good:
  14. ojo

    How To Attach Background To Tank

    I have wet the back of tank with a spong then placed backgound on, slide my hands all over pushing out the air bubbles just like you would when wall papering, then tape it as edges, it makes the colours brighter and the image very vivid when the tank light is on. vaseline sounds like a good...
  15. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    yeah right, i work for the company, whatever. i cant be bothered to argue back, it dose nothing for me. i look forward to hearing how ceecrb1 gets on. night night im off to bed got to get up early n go work for the company lol
  16. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    I havnt just looked on this site, ive also read indipendent reviews which back it up, ive also read customer reviews, how long ago did you use it because it as been reformulated. by the way when i had my 1st tank many moons ago i also didnt no about cycleing, but all my fish turned out fine. im...
  17. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    Cycle has 3 type of dorment bacteria one that eats debree, another eats ammonia and another that eats the nitrite turning it into nitrate, all these become active once in a tank water so it makes sense your results of ammonia and nitrite are rising quickly after each other, im sure nitrate will...
  18. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    Well you wouldnt have nitrite if you didnt have bacteria, and its getting higher, thats good, so there must be live bacteria. Thank for your input, i will get a test kit tomorrow and see what mine doing.
  19. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    Sorry dont know what lfs stands for! how do you know it doesnt work! have you tried it? would love to hear from anyone who as.
  20. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    not tested for ammonia as i havnt added any, i was going to but guy at auarium shop didnt need to add any ammonium because i used nutrafin cycle, just add hardy fish. The nutrafin bacteria has been developed and engineered to suvive such conitions as a bottle.
  21. ojo

    Nutrafin Cycle...

    Im kinda a newby, i did have tropical fish about 10 years ago and have decided to start again. i have a new 95L tank which came with a bottle of 3 day nutrafin cycle ive read on here how most pro's regard it as noncense, but if it contains high conentrates of good bateria, then why not use it...