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  1. J

    Live Food

    I've been wondering the same thing
  2. J

    Live Food

    hi , i was wondering what live foods would be appropriate to feed my fish, oscars, convicts and what not, all american.
  3. J

    Convict Mating Trouble

    Hi, i have a pair of black convicts, and everytime they mate the babies start to dissapear after about a week. What are some possible causes?
  4. J

    Are Jack Dempseys As Aggressive As Their Reputation?

    I find them to be the classic bully, if they are larger, stronger, or have more numbers, then they can be extremely violent, although I've also seen them beaten up and killed when they dont have those advantages.
  5. J

    Sick Fish?

    the filtration is excellent, amonia levels are higher then they should be, but not too high. shares the tank with a pleco and red tailed black shark. My friend bought us a goldfish of some sort, i didnt get too look at it before it was put in the tank, (as i was at work at the time). it was...
  6. J

    Sick Fish?

    well then I'll restate the question. Is it normal for an albino oscar to have black specs around it's faces and gills?
  7. J

    Sick Fish?

    My albino oscar has dark spots around its face and this some sort of fungus?
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    Jack Dempsey

    just come into old threads and bump them, that usually works.
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    Building A Tank

    hi, im thinking about building an aquarium for up to 5 oscars, red tailed catfish and prehaps one or two more predatory fish. My question is what the ideal tank dimensions would be for oscars? Keeping in mind that im building my own, so i dont want standard dimensions, but ideal dimensions.
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    Tank Size Question

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    Raising Fry

    no i mean how long do the fry have to stay with they're parents before i sell/give them away?
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    Raising Fry

    hi, i was wondering how long fry should be kept with there parents before being seperated.
  13. J

    Tank Size Question

    thanks for the help,i only have one oscar as of right now, so prehaps i'll keep it that way, however i would want there to be other fish in the tank, so i'll have to ask what may be suitable tankmates? and also, back to my original question.... I'm making a tank, so im not looking for the...
  14. J

    Tank Size Question

    I was qondering what would be appropriate dimensions for a tank im making for 3 oscars?
  15. J

    Cant Get My Convicts To Breed! !

    my convicts arent breeding either, although the amonia levels were pretty high for a little while there.
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    Algea Eaters

    I guess I should have mentioned how aggressive my tank is... two convicts and a jack dempsey, so i'm gonna need a tuff algea eater.
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    I.d. Help Please

    Hi, i just bought this fish from my lfs and the clerk wasnt able to tell me what kind of fish it is except that it was an african cichlid.... any help would be greatly appreciated. it's the long one on the right.
  18. J

    My Plec Turned White

    thanks for all the help,I've nearly got my amonia and nitrite levels back to zero. now to move on to another issue, what size tank might be acceptable for my pleco (12") as it grows?
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    My Plec Turned White

    thats what i heard, i dont plan to use any chemicals...
  20. J

    Convict Cichlid Mating Tank Setup! What Do You Think?

    ...speaking of which, will convicts mate if the water is to high in amonia?
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    My Plec Turned White

    no, however i'm not sure what else to do but to minimize the waste in the original tank. Solving a problem by creating a new one isn't really a solution i know... so i'm open to any other ideas
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    My Plec Turned White

    the amonia levels are very high in my tank,this evening i'll be able to move some of the fish in there, all but the cichlids and pleco... hopefully this will help with amonia.
  23. J

    My Plec Turned White

    as the title said my plec is now white for the most part, he wasnt like that when i went to bed though. he seems to darken and lightin, never a steady colour for too long... is it sick?
  24. J

    Algea Eaters

    i was wondering what algea eaters migth be appropriate for a densely decorated cichlid tank (20 gallon) , i have a pleco that i plan on moving out of that tank before i put all the plants, and rest of the caves in, due to it's clumsy nature, and large size. any small hard working algea eaters...
  25. J

    Natural Ways To Neutralize Amonia

    as the title said im looking for a natural way to neutralize amonia in my fish tank, i had stocked my tank to quickly and now have very high levels of amonia. I am not looking for a chemical solution though.
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    i'm really just more interested if it's somthing that may happen in nature?
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    nore am i, wich is why i ask, and asked here, those hybrid folks are sorta wierd.
  28. J


    does anyone know of any convict dempsey hybrids?
  29. J

    Will Plecos Eat Eggs

    if my convicts were to breed in a tank with a nearly full grown pleco would the eggs get eatin? would the even mate with the pleco in the tank?
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    Jack Dempsey

    I know there is no set growth rate for animals, however i'd like to know about people's previous expieriance with these fish and how fast they grew for them, what other fish were in the tank? how big was it when it was bought?
  31. J

    Plants For An Aggressive Comunity Tank

    thanks, i have a gravel bottom rather then sand, would it be a problem for the prior mentioned plants? and are there any plants that may be good for my omniverous fish to munch on without being easily killed?
  32. J

    Plants For An Aggressive Comunity Tank

    hi, i have a 30 gallon tank and want some natural plants , both floating and submerged. However i am concerned about how well the plants will fare amongst my belligerent fish. i heard convicts are especially hard on plants.