Search results

  1. D

    Whos Eggs Are These?

    I have recently added to my Cardinals in my main tank [60L Juwel Rekord 70] i added a few more cardinals to bulk out my shoal, and also added 4 Rams. lovely fish. i also have one endler [did have a few more but since my heater malfunctioned one weekend when i was away the fish that didnt die...
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    Bottled Mineral Water

    i havent really asked for advice from LFS to be honest. i have generally not bothered due to the continual problems i have read about. The only two bits of advice from that side of the coin is the following: the local acidity of the water for tetras is fine, but not for my Betta - hence the pH...
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    Bottled Mineral Water

    i have used it a bit but in no way have i used it to replace regular water changes. i didnt change my water for a while as i was cycling the tank, and i didnt really know what i was doing. bit better now and i feel my questions and answers are a lot more intelligible now than say, when i first...
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    Bottled Mineral Water

    ah right, gotcha.. slowly getting clearer than mud. i take it crushed coral is suitable with plants? the API stabiliser i have been using isn't, and while my small tank doesnt have any live plants, the larger tank will, so i wouldnt want to kill everything. also, i take it i cant put in too...
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    Bottled Mineral Water

    as i am getting used to, some people say its fine with no dechlorinator, others do it to be on the safe side... it seems an expensive way to do things for something so trivial - i'm going to go the way of the crushed coral and see how that fares in my main tank when it gets set up. i was...
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    Regenerating A Old, Dying Fish Tank.

    10mm Gravel from a landscape gardening place should do the trick - 20kg for about 3-4 quid. i bought some from a pet shop the other day and they told me themselves it was just ypical stuff. to be fair i didnt need a lot so i just got it from there. with regard to sand, i am thinking of putting...
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    Bottled Mineral Water

    And this crushed coral doesnt stress the fish out? to be fair i havent had any pH issues with my tank as of yet, it has always been a steady 7. going to do a search now.
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    Bottled Mineral Water

    Do i need de-chlorinator with bottled spring water? is it OK to use? someone i know uses it for his water changes etc because it doesnt need tratment before going in the tank - i was wanting to know peoples opinions. i have been advised to use stabilizer for my water as the pH in my area is 6.0...
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    Our Betta "tony"

    After posting in a really old thread i thought i'd just post in the photos section of my Betta as he is recovering from whitespot. comments please!
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    Betta Rescue Pictures Wanted And Bad Betta Tank Pics

    PMSL!!! my bad! i didnt look at the dates, but it came up on my search - still getting used to the way the forum controls work here etc... i know theyre not that different from others but i've been stuck on the mercedes club forum and the grey bike/yamaha rd forum for ages!
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    Betta Rescue Pictures Wanted And Bad Betta Tank Pics

    my betta is 2 weeks old and recovering from whitespot. i am quite new to this hobby and have made some mistakes already but i am doing my best to learn as much as i can. i tried to research as much as i could before buying fish, but you can never learn enough. i am in the process of setting up a...
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    Arrrggghhhh What's Cycling, New Tank And I've Already Got Fish

    i have been told using a cheap bottled water from the supermarket is better than using tap water as it is more constant and does not have chlorine. is this a good idea? with cycling, i have a cycled tank now with some filter media from my 20litre tank and i'm in the process of setting up a 60...
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    Ich - Probably Done Something Wrong!

    right, another died yesterday, which brings me down to 3 neon tetras. good news is that the ich has stopped spreading with the treatment and water changes, another change tonight - going for a 50% with replenishing the medication lessons learnt here as i thought the black neons and neons...
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    Ich - Probably Done Something Wrong!

    right, i did a water change on friday after posting on friday, and then on saturday morning i came down and we had lost 3 of the black neons - one i watched die when i came down whil counting.... then i started looking round for the others, and they were both caught in my fake plants. one was...
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    Ich - Probably Done Something Wrong!

    hmm, probably a school boy error on my part with the nitrate testing kit - i thought it would be useful. i got the pH kit because i was told our water in this area was naturally acidic, which i was also told was OK for the tetras but not OK for the fighter. i'll do some more reading and do...
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    Ich - Probably Done Something Wrong!

    yes, i meant 19 litres! i did my calculations and i thought that it would be okay with those numbers - obviously not! first time i have heard that they arent suitable tank mates - i have done some reading. They havent been fighting or nipping each other, and they seem to get on just fine...
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    Ich - Probably Done Something Wrong!

    First off, a big hello to all, i have had my eye on this forum for a while, and while i haven't become a user until now, i have been reading etc on a variety of stuff to do with setting up my tank. first off, i'll "set the scene" so you can see what ive been doing bought the tank, 19L with 3...