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    Pleco And Catfish Compatibility?

    is it compatable to have 1 pleco with 2 bristlenose catfish or am i gonna have to sell the catfish for a pleco???
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    a 4 foot aquarium tank maybe small but i dont expect to keep them in a 4 footer only till there a little bit bigger im getting a 6 or 7 foot by 2 x 2 for bout 800 australian dollars as a birthday treat to myself ive said in other threads ill be getting a bigger fish tank just anothe rmonth now...
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    is it better to introduce oscars to other tankmates and other oscars when there young or bigger? going to my lfs soon if not tmorow
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    Oscar Compatability

    hi my sister asked me last night if she could have a fish in my cichlid tank and i said yes. so i wanted to know is another Oscar a good idea. fish i have already 1 Oscar 1 JD 1 tex 1 bala shark and 1 bristlenose. there all around 5 cm except for the bala shark who is 10 cm but they are in a 45'...
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    Fish For My Sister

    im buying a fish for my sister and i just wanted to know what sort i could get??? i have currently 1 bristlenose 1 Oscar 1 Jack dempsey 1 texas and 1 bala shark. is another Oscar a good idea. my biggest fish in there atm is my silver shark hes bout 10 cm. my Jack is 6cm my Oscar is 5/6 and the...
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    Gold Fish Tankmates

    1 and a 1/2 metres long all round. and 60 centimetres deep bout a metre and a half wide from side to side
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    Gold Fish Tankmates

    a pond pretty big and deep all round
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    Want 2 More Fish

    sorry to tell you guys but about 2 weeks ago i added another silver shark which meant i had two... as soon as i started feeding them they were both at each other throat i dont think my bala shark likes company. i was at my gfs for the weekend and my mum rang me up saying that my rather large...
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    Gold Fish Tankmates

    anyone know what sorts of other fish i can have in with my goldfish and koi? there quiet small atm
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    Want 2 More Fish

    7x4x3 is future tank when they get a bit bigger atm there in a 4x2.5x2.5
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    Want 2 More Fish

    i want to know if i can add 2 more big cichlids. i wanted a good schooling fish that get about 10 cm each but no good replies. so have changed and want to more bigger cichlids atm i have 1 Oscar 1 JD 1 Texas and 1 bala shark also 1 1 bristlenose all in 3 cm - 7 cm big. should i add a electric...
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    Schooling Fish

    4x2.5x2.5 feet length height and width upgrading to a 7x4x3 in a month or 2...
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    Schooling Fish

    i wanted to know what a good schooling fish would go with my new world cichlids including 1x Oscar 1x Texas cichlid 1x Jack dempsey and also 1 silver shark... thankyou cant wait for your replies
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    Some Form Of Catfish

    ive got a dark tan brown catfish for $20 at my lfs.
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    Future Stocking!

    thankyou for all your replies : ) ill try and get some photos up of my fish when i can find a camera or a phone.
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    Future Stocking!

    hi havent been on for a while but ive got my 4 foot fish tank stocked already with an Oscar Jack dempsey and a texas there all swimming around fine i can hand feed them all without them biting my finger : ) my jd is about 6 cm Oscar is bout 4 cm and texas is bout 3 or 2 cm and ive got 2 silver...
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    Is There A Difference?

    is there a differnce between a jaguar cich and a Managuense ??? or r they the same fish just differnt name?
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    W00t! Went To The Fish Store

    bought myself a texas cichlid and Oscar to go into my 4x2.5x2.5 spare tank with a 5 cm Jack dempsey silver shark and red tailed shark. moving them into a 6x2.5x2.5 when they are juvies. all have great temperment towards each other my JD is actualy protecting and fighting off all the other fish...
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    can someone help me please im in need of a website were i could buy or order a pleco. going to the petstore today anmd i dont want to buy one for twice as much and i want a 2 oe 3 incher to start off with. thanks
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    Going To The Fish Store Tomorow

    what id like to buy is fish with colour and fish that can go with oscars and JDs. no convicts firemouths or plecs i cant afford a plec : ( so anything with colour something that doesnt get to big like a oscar just a bit smaller and stuff appreciate it if u could help me out thanks
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    Going To The Fish Store Tomorow

    1 Oscar. 2 Key hole cichlids. 1 Jack Dempsey. 2 Bristlenose catfish. 2 silver sharks. and 1 red tailed shark. are these fish compatibale??? i have a JD redtailed shark and 1 silver shark JD is round 5 cm im hoping to get other fish round that size thanks. have a 6x2.5x2.5 im getting a 7 or 8...
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    Combtail Gourami

    id like to know if i could put a combtail gourami or any semi aggresive gourami in with a Jack demspey and a Oscar they r all gonna b around 5 cm big or 2 inch big. thanks try and reply to me as im going to the aquarium shop tmorow.
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    Spare Tank

    i wouldnt have a clue... sorry i just cleaned the fishtank the day before it died i had the temp at 28... so no idea
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    Spare Tank

    i need help stocking my 6 footer atm ive got a JD bout 4 cm red tail shark bout a finger long and a silver shark just a bit bigger than a finger. my Oscar died dismorning so i need help replacing him with a few. so any good colourful fish thanks dont mind any other cichlids. get back to me asap...
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    i woke up dismorning and found my Oscar dead... the only other fish i have in the tank is a red tailed shark and a silver shark aswell as 4 guppies.
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    My Jack Dempsey and Oscar i think have had eggs. ive noticed it today little white things about as big as a grain of sand probs just a incy bit bigger they are laid on a rock . ive also noticed my JD eating food and chewing it up and spitting it bak out around the eggs while my Oscar just sits...
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    Compatable Fish?

    can anyone help me with this please? can a severum JD a Oscar and a salvini go together. round 4 centremetres big? thanks. fishtank is a 6x2.5x2.5.