Want 2 More Fish

Bob marley

New Member
Jul 21, 2009
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i want to know if i can add 2 more big cichlids. i wanted a good schooling fish that get about 10 cm each but no good replies. so have changed and want to more bigger cichlids atm i have 1 Oscar 1 JD 1 Texas and 1 bala shark also 1 1 bristlenose all in 3 cm - 7 cm big. should i add a electric blue JD or can someone give me a few ideas : ) thanks. no need to worry about the tank size they are all in a 4 footer atm but are going into a 7 footer
i want to know if i can add 2 more big cichlids. i wanted a good schooling fish that get about 10 cm each but no good replies. so have changed and want to more bigger cichlids atm i have 1 Oscar 1 JD 1 Texas and 1 bala shark also 1 1 bristlenose all in 3 cm - 7 cm big. should i add a electric blue JD or can someone give me a few ideas : ) thanks. no need to worry about the tank size they are all in a 4 footer atm but are going into a 7 footer

in what size tank sorry?
i want to know if i can add 2 more big cichlids. i wanted a good schooling fish that get about 10 cm each but no good replies. so have changed and want to more bigger cichlids atm i have 1 Oscar 1 JD 1 Texas and 1 bala shark also 1 1 bristlenose all in 3 cm - 7 cm big. should i add a electric blue JD or can someone give me a few ideas : ) thanks. no need to worry about the tank size they are all in a 4 footer atm but are going into a 7 footer

in what size tank sorry?

7x4x3 is future tank when they get a bit bigger atm there in a 4x2.5x2.5
i wouldn't add an electric blue JD with a texas, might get harassed and stress out, and they die very easily. It really depends on how aggressive the texas is though. If he isn't terrible, then maybe a green terror could survive. Of course a Red devil / Midas could surive, but again, some turn out to be super nasty fish, while others aren't terrible. Same thing goes for Jaguars.

Also i know bala sharks prefer to be in a groups.
sorry to tell you guys but about 2 weeks ago i added another silver shark which meant i had two... as soon as i started feeding them they were both at each other throat i dont think my bala shark likes company.

i was at my gfs for the weekend and my mum rang me up saying that my rather large and new silver shark had died it had missing scales out of it my mum said sorry forgot to add to message above
I wouldn't add too much yet, all of your fish are small and have not developed any 'personality' yet. Maybe get some large dither fish either giant danio's or Clown barbs, maybe even a small shoal of silver dollars. Cichlids can and do get on, but it is sometimes tricky getting the combination right. What might be fine for now, could all change in just a couple of months time. Your Oscar will grow rapidly in that time and depending on his temperament, could go loopy on your other fish. Texas (which probably means carpinte) can get quite nasty too.

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