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  1. Katlee

    Swollen Guppy - Help!

    i had a very similar looking one to the one on the right. Im thinking male....
  2. Katlee

    Can Someone Please Id My Plec?

    wow i missed a lot on here! sorry guys, I'm back haha. Sadly to say little man died a while back. he reached about 7-8 inches tail to nose. I have no idea why but needless to say I was absolutely gutted. I loved that fish to bits. We recently temporarily fostered 2 plecos when my father in law...
  3. Katlee

    Dwarf Flag (Curviceps) Cichlid - Free

    would love to take him but just too far from kent = [
  4. Katlee

    Wanted: Clown Loach

    yup i posted about helping them out but its gone quiet. i am most certainly aware that my tank is going to be too small and how big they get and will be sorting this when i move house in the summer
  5. Katlee

    Help Needed!

    where abouts are you based? im trying to find at the moment a few clown loach around 3 inches long to replace ones i've lost. my current clown loach have become really withdraw after the deaths. i could only take 2 or 3 fish maximum off you as i'll also be needing to get a larger tank in the new...
  6. Katlee

    Wanted: Clown Loach

    can anybody help at all? my clown loach are really looking down. they barely come out anymore. please give them some friends = ] the clown loach in the LFS 's are just way too small to put in with my guys or else we'd buy from a store.
  7. Katlee

    Wanted: Clown Loach

    BUMP !! Anybody?...................
  8. Katlee

    Wanted: Clown Loach

    Wanted: Item Wanted: 1/2/3 Clown Loach Condition Required: 3-4 inches in size Price Limit: Preferably free Location: Around Milton Keynes Area Picture or Link to Item: Since loosing one of our 4 clown loach the remaining fish have become very skittish and hide away alot. We would like to...
  9. Katlee

    1 Gallon Pico Micro Rio 400 Reef Build Thread

    wow its tiddy = ] i love it = ]
  10. Katlee

    Can Someone Please Id My Plec?

    tbh its always a minimum of 10%. most of the time i get a bit carried away with the gravel vac and it ends up being between 25-50 sometimes "/ we feed with bloodworm daphnia and brine shrimp occasionally and sometimes peas and i do wana try them on more veg just didnt know where to start.
  11. Katlee

    Can Someone Please Id My Plec?

    Maintanence: 10% Water change every weekend. gravel vac. Feeding: Once per day, 3 Algae Wafers in, 1 for plec, 1 for clown loach and 1 for the sucking loach. Stocking is in my signature. As is tank size. We will be upgrading when we get our new place after christmas. p.s boboboy im a girl!
  12. Katlee

    Can Someone Please Id My Plec?

    really? someone mentioned butterfly plec to me the other day? my other halfs dad has one we bought from the same shop at the same time and it's over twice the size in length and width now as ours. needless to say im slightly jealous but also confused. theirs is in a smaller tank than ours and...
  13. Katlee

    The 'Golden Child Guppy' - Unusual Looking Fry?

    i've just had the same. bought a few guppies last week and one of them dropped straight away. I can only find 3 fry so far but two of them are a grey colour and one is purely golden atm. all the possible mothers are dark. im looking forward to seeing how this one grows up = ]
  14. Katlee

    Can Someone Please Id My Plec?

    Hi Guys, Could someone please ID my little man for me? He's only about 3-4 inches at the mo and have had him since april time. Thanks Katie
  15. Katlee

    New Dipneting Pictures

    wow. a really interesting thread = ] i hadnt heard of dipnetting either = ]
  16. Katlee

    5Gal Paludarium Build Thread

    amazing! i'd love to do something like this but i dunno where i'd start!
  17. Katlee

    My Aquarium Atm

    what happened to all the neons? = [ they looked lovely in that tank
  18. Katlee

    Guppie Is Turning White?

    lost the dark blue guppy the other morning but no more deaths or symptoms at all. the remaining tuxedo and red snakskin guppies are doing brill and having fun chasing each other around until we get some females possibly this weekend = ] thanks for all your help.
  19. Katlee

    Guppie Is Turning White?

    thanks = ]
  20. Katlee

    Guppie Is Turning White?

    The bacterial med is what i started with again yesterday. one from pets at home for all fungal infections. The orange/red and white guppy was found dead this morning with no tail = S Next time then i'll get some females for the mix, but it wont be for a while. What amazes me is how quick it...
  21. Katlee

    Guppie Is Turning White?

    ive just got home again and now the tail is completely white bar a tiny strip at the top of the tail and now the bleaching has gone through the tail into the back end of his body. the tail has only just started to split and fray? there are no white fluffy bits anywhere though. just the bleached...
  22. Katlee

    Guppie Is Turning White?

    Yesterday i went to the lfs and bought 5 guppies: one black tuxedo, one dark blue, one bright yellow, one red snakeskin and one red/orange and white. the orange/red and white one had a full orange tail, orange top half oh his body and white underneath his body. a few hours after wwe got him home...
  23. Katlee

    Made A 3d Background, Now What?

    wow, this is absolutely amazing. every though of makign and selling theses? i know i'd quite happily pay for one that looks that good. congrats = ]
  24. Katlee

    Removeing Algue Of Driftwood

    i wouldnt be too worried about your algae. i cant see any and not sure where im supposed to be looking. lol i'll have to show you my piece of bogwood now. you'll be amazed
  25. Katlee

    Fish That Get Really Excited!

    since we've had a few deaths they've stopped doing it so much but all of ours used to come up to the front of the tank and the clown loach used to do their "dance" at the front of the tank. also our little guppy who's the only one left (he's been through whitespot, nitrates, being chewed) like's...
  26. Katlee

    Why Did My Fish Die? 5 Today

    :good: listen to the maaaaaan!
  27. Katlee

    Please Can Anyone Id This Fish

    I think its a horseface aswell. I instantly thought it when i saw the pic although my knowledge of species isnt great.............
  28. Katlee

    Why Did My Fish Die? 5 Today

    what are the water stats dude? i've just managed to get over the exact same problem myself. im thinkin the water changes your doing arent enough. anybody else agree? i've been told on here to do 10-15% EACH WEEK. or 20-25% every two weeks. the first option being better.
  29. Katlee

    Removeing Algue Of Driftwood

    get a pleco. mine's starting to strip it off lol as mentioned in another thread!
  30. Katlee

    Fish Eatting Wood

    my 4 inch pleco is doing exactly the same, sucking off strips off my bogwood here and there. he's getting through the algae and bark quite quickly :lol:
  31. Katlee

    Me & My Partners 3 Ft Tank & Fish

    thanks for all your comments = ] the tank has changed alot since. the stocking list is now as it is in my signature. we lost the sharks unfortunately so tank size wont be an issue just yet. the clown loach are still only small, and im hoping to get a monster of a tank in the next year = ]] you...
  32. Katlee

    Wanted: 6 Congo Tetra

    the lfs i originally found those 3 females at now have males in stock = ] but by this point im already reconsidering what i want to stock with lol. im thinkin of getting some guppies again. there so pretty = ] but then again i think the congo tetra, sharks, pleco and loaches will go better...
  33. Katlee

    Chinese Algae Eater 3 1/2 - 4 Inch Ftgh

    looking back on the post now i'd say he's about 3-3 1/2 but not quite sure. he's a bit shy and has been hiding away so i havent been able to get another pic of him or measure. plus my phone with the decent camera has been off for repair :X and betta989 they get LOADS bigger. try about 6 inches...
  34. Katlee

    Removeing Algue Of Driftwood

    when i bought my first fish tank a small 12x10x10 it came with a smal piece of bogwood and it was very dark and on closer inspection i saw it was dried hair algae. the person who sold us it had told us the tank had been left by a couple who she had rented a house out to and the tank had been sat...
  35. Katlee

    Best And Worst Lfs...

    i have used several shops over the months. world of water in bicester has to be one of the worse conditon places, dead fish everywhere and illness, crammed in tanks, staff arent knowledgable and last time i went there two staff were messing around with a small HARD rubber BOUNCY BALL inside the...
  36. Katlee

    Age Of Tropical Fishkeeper

    i started this year at the age of 18 = ] I am also female and for some more interesting information I also have a phobia of large fish/underwater creatures. We'll see how the hobby goes based on that information lol
  37. Katlee

    Help 6 Dead Fish No Idea Of Cause & Now Mouth Rot = [

    the current 3 are between 2 1/2 and 3 inches. even though they were all bought the same size there growth rates have really varied and you can easily distiguish which is which by their size. it was the smallest of the 4 that died. funnily enough when we had an outbreak of white spot in our...
  38. Katlee

    Help 6 Dead Fish No Idea Of Cause & Now Mouth Rot = [

    thanks for your advice shelagh! im not panicking so much any more. meds have gone well = ] we've had no loss of life for over a week now and no physical symptoms either. only thing is since losing one of our 4 clown loach the remaining 3 have gone very shy and are constantly hidden away, when...
  39. Katlee

    Help 6 Dead Fish No Idea Of Cause & Now Mouth Rot = [

    right guys, finally got stats: ph = 7.6 ammonia 0ppm nitrite 0ppm nitrate 20-40ppm (cant quite tell) my water comes out the tap at nitrate 5ppm anyway? i've also been told anything upto 50ppm is ok and not dangerous by a guy i met who deals with fish. what should i do next? i've done a...