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    Clown Loaches And Tankmates

    hi i have 5 clown loaches 3 burmese loaches and 1 yo yo loach at the mo and they all get on well i think that most loaches will be good tankmates for clown loaches i also hav a red tail shark who my clowns get on well with bugzy 81
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    hey i was wonderin how u can change from bein a newbie status? plus i think my guppy pregnant i hav a breedin net do u think i should put her in there?
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    Baby Fish

    i recently noticed a baby fish in my tank which is cool but i cant tell yet which one had it ive seen a few of my fish in my plants which is makin me think there layin in them? at the moment its swimin round the top i wernt expectin them to breed do u think its ok for it to be in the same tank??
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    Clown Loach Help

    ok thanks mine seems to go behind my filter/ heater just lookin up he is eatin and is very healthy thanks again bugz 81
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    Clown Loach Help

    hey. my smallest clown loach is staying vertical he is very healthy and is well fed do u know wat this means or could be?? thanks
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    Burmese Loaches

    hey i just brought 2 burmese loaches wat a cool lookin loach my favourite is clown loaches but i gotta say the burmese are right up there wit the clowns in myopion wat do u all think??
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    Clown Loach

    thanks the biggest one is bout 3" the ova 3 are 2" my tank is 3ft by 2ft they are ok
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    Clown Loach

    hey my biggest clown loach is bein dominant towards my ova clown loaches who are smaller is ok? or is this a problem they do get on wit each ova or am i bein paranoid thanks
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    Wat Else To Feed My Clown Loaches?

    hey everyone im new to this site. i hav 4 clown loaches who are well kept and healthy i feed them bloodworms and algae wafers which they love i hav also tried them wit cucumber and they went nuts and loved it. i was just wonderin wat else they like and can hav? thanks bugzy 81 hope to hear from...