Search results

  1. chrisrm

    Angelfish type?

    I didn’t buy than as anything in particular, got them from a local breeder as I liked the look of them didn’t ask at the time but was just inquisitive
  2. chrisrm

    Angelfish type?

    Just wondering if these angelfish are Altums or something else?
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  6. chrisrm


    My Kribs have decided that it’s definitely Friday today! 😂
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  9. chrisrm

    Is this ich?

    In all my years fish keeping I’ve never had to treat ich. But I’ve noticed white spots on some cardinals. I’ve used api white spot cure just to be safe. But thought I’d ask other’s opinions
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  14. chrisrm

    Nice little find

    So after finally breaking my last API test tube, I found this little set on Temu for £3.81. I think it’s class, my girlfriend……. not as impressed 🤷‍♂️😂
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  16. chrisrm

    Snail ID

    Could someone pleas tell me what snails I have in my tank? MTS? Just the ones I’ve had before had much longer pointer shells.
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  20. chrisrm

    Is this enough light?

    Hi everyone. I’m in the process of setting up a low tech 2foot cube. It’s going to have a capped soil substrate and I’ve just brought 2 hygger 999 22w lights. I was just wondering if that was enough light being that it’s 2 foot deep? The plants I’m planning to put in...
  21. chrisrm

    Got a free tank!!

    I managed to get my hands on a free 90l tank last night. I’m not sure what to do with all the plants! It’s so overgrown! Definitely needs some tlc. I’ve asked in the plant section, but thought you guys might have some ideas?
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  26. chrisrm

    Free tank

    I picked up this 90l tank for free last night. I’m not sure to do with all the plants. It looks like all Java fern. Not sure what the second picture is, the one with curly leaves. It’s like a jungle! Do I need to thin them out and if so do i need to do it carefully as there is such a tangle of roots
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  31. chrisrm

    OK, back to it!

    So, after a few years away, a divorce and having to sell everything fishy. I now find myself in a position that it like to get back too it! Unfortunately gone are the days of me having the space for 6x2x2 aquariums and big cichlids (for now:devil:) so ill have to settle for something a little...
  32. chrisrm

    New tank

    Ok, so I currently have my RCS in a 10g tank which is heavily planted. I want to transfer them to a 190l. Couple of questions would I still be able to just have a sponge filter in a larger tank. And what’s the best way to change Eve over wit a little stress as possible (to me and the shrimp!) haha
  33. chrisrm

    What could cause this!?

    Only SA/CA Cichlids and I dose with excel as per the instructions
  34. chrisrm

    What could cause this!?

    I noticed this yesterday on my 250l. What could cause it? All readings are normal and everything else is fine
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  36. chrisrm

    What Fish Do You Regret Buying?

    I regret buying a betta in 2007 because since then it has cost me a fortune in other thanks and fish and food and equipment and electric oh and mistakes ???
  37. chrisrm

    Male or female?

    Could anybody sex these fish for me? I’ll have to try and get a better picture of the JD as it’s not being very photogenic ?
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