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  1. H

    Tank Gets Too Hot!

    90 degrees thats almost boiling point matee. do you mean 90 faren hight???? fans, airconditioning in the room. the ice bag is also a good idea.. [Mod Edit]
  2. H

    What Do You Prefer Tropical Freshwater Or Marine

    marine fish are to expensive
  3. H

    Buying Fish Online

    hey guys, i was wondering, what you think of buying fish from has any one brought fish from this site? what did you think? how are the fish going that u purchased? thanks
  4. H


    hey guys, what is the minumum temp discus like to be kept at?? what other fish do you think are suitable to go with discus?? cheers
  5. H

    Rummy Nose With Discus

    hey guys, i was just wondering are rummy nose's suitable to go with discuses?? thanks.