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  1. L

    Bolivian Ram With Digestive Problems?

    Hey guys! I lost a bolivian ram yesterday :( and the other bolivian ram isnt looking too well either, was suprised he made it though the night, treated the tank with protozin just incase and because I didnt know what to do. However the ram was on the bottom all night, and today he seems to have...
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    Adding Fertilizer, Any Advice?

    Yay! Thanks radar you may have officially made my day! I just assumed that with every substrate you got an ammonia spike whoops! :D Many thanks! :D
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    Adding Fertilizer, Any Advice?

    Hey guys, I have an already established Vision 260 with a few fish, Im wanting to put tropica aquacare substrate, (as I hear its the best option for larger tanks), under my current sand substrate. I hear that I am bound to get an ammonia spike, would it be ok to change my substrate and treat my...
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    Problems With Ph Shock And My Dwarf Neon Gourami

    Hehe ye I wont be going to that LFS again that advised me to adjust my ph for my pleco thats for sure! Well ye definately do look bloated but other than that their scales and colour look fine, theyre swimming normally, no problems with boyancy and im giving them bloodworm now instead of Tetra...
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    Problems With Ph Shock And My Dwarf Neon Gourami

    Hey guys ive been posting in the tropical fish emergencies section reguarding this problem, hehe its quite a long story but ill start from the top! Apparently ive had ph shock in my tank and its affected my little dwarf neon gourami, called bubble quite badly. Its a Vision 260 with a small...
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    Dwarf Blue Neon Gourami Looks Very Stressed!

    Sorry to bother you guys again, its just that Bubble still doesnt seem to be fully recovered and is still showing the same symptoms even though his roundness has slightly decreased and his breathing, and even though he seems to look as if hes feeling more himself he still looks very highly...
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    Dwarf Blue Neon Gourami Looks Very Stressed!

    Sorry for the late reply! Thankyou so much for the help. Its a Vision 260 with a variety of community species, (few tetras, couple of bolivian rams, angel fish, gold ram, synodontis multipunctata catfish) The local LFS advised me to use a ph adjuster as I bought a Dekeyseria Brachyura (L52)...
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    Dwarf Blue Neon Gourami Looks Very Stressed!

    Heya and thanks for replying! Yep have tested the water and everythings perfect everythings zero, have dechlorinated the water using seachem prime which detoxifies ammonia and nitrites and yep i always clean my sponges in tank water. He is actually looking a little better today I think ill see...
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    Dwarf Blue Neon Gourami Looks Very Stressed!

    Hey guys One of my Dwarf Blue Neon Gourami's seems to be breathing quite rapidly his mouth is opening and closing rapidly and his gills are constantly opening and closing, but is still swimming about like normal. He also seems to be quite a bit rounder than he used to be. I was advised recently...