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    More Fish?

    Hi all, I'm wondering if I should add some more fish over the weekend or am I overstocked? In a 125litre tank I have the following: 6 tiger barbs 4 platies 2 Bala Sharks 2 Gouramis 1 pleco All the above seem happy and healthy but I'm now wondering if I should leave them be and stop...
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    Fluval Plus 3 Filter

    Hi all, I know this might sound stupid but I should ask anyway, I've just changed the black media in my fluval plus 3 filter and did everything by the book, I did a small water change and plugged everything back in, I just put my hand against the blue pump on the filter to check if it was...
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    Yes there are Oldman, I've recently treated some of the fish for white spot, thankfully that cleared up fine, I think I used Protozin for that...that was almost two weeks ago but now that you mention it, this problem did only develop after treating the tank with that stuff, the only medication...
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    Filter Media

    Yep the white one I threw out was the fine floss type pad, I'll buy a replacement for it, I just wanted to make sure I was ok to run the filter without it, I'll also replace the black one shortly thanks..
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    Filter Media

    I should also have mentioned that the filter I'm using is a fluval plus 3
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    Filter Media

    Hi all, another filter question to ask, when doing an 80% water change recently I also decided to rinse my filter media in the tank water which I removed from the tank, I noticed that the white media was falling apart and was absolutely filthy so I threw it out, I then rinsed the black media and...
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    Great advice from everyone here as usual thanks, did the 80% water change last night and now I can see fish in there again (all I could see the evening before were shadows) I might have to do an 80% water change every couple of days for the moment just to stay on top of it but it seems to be on...
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    Something A Bit Different

    How about some small frogs or maybe a couple of shrimp?
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    Cheers everyone, I assume the chemicals I bought were a waste of money...they don't seem to be working anyway, according to the pack I should have noticed a difference in the first few hours, I have a pleco in there but he's obviously not eating much algae! I guess I'll have to do an 80% water...
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    Hi, My 125L tank is now really ugly to look at thanks to a horrible green cloudiness which has developed in it almost over night! I did a 30% water change yesterday and also added some ACCU CLEAR which I bought from the LFS, the guy in the LFS said that a cloudy tank was nothing much to worry...
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    Gift Of A Filter And Fish Now What

    I think it might be a good idea to use the old filter as it will contain some of the good bacteria which will help cycle your 10g tank, or you could buy a new filter if the old one is on it's way out and simply put the old media into the new filter, the tank might still need to be cycled if it's...
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    Fluval Plus 3 Filter

    Hi all, Think I might have a made a bit of a mistake in relation to my Fluval Plus 3 filter, basically when I bought it and took it out of the box, there were already two pads inside there (rough lining ones each of them), but I also got 1 black sponge and one white sponge separate to the ones...
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    Heater Question

    Thanks folks! My fishless cycle is complete and everything is good, I'm off to buy a few barbs to start me off, one last question, would it be safe enough to buy a sucker fish (pleco?) at this stage and put him in with the new barbs?, I haven't really researched any info on sucker fish so I'm...
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    Heater Question

    Hi, just a quick question regarding my heater, I have it set in my tank at 26 degrees, and my outside stick on thermometer reads about the same, but when I put my hand into the water it feels cool, not freezing but certainly not warm either, is this normal? the tank is a 125 litre, I just...
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    Fishless Cycle Almost Complete

    Hi all So my fishless cycle is almost complete so I can hardly wait to stock up the tank, I've been advised to go for either Tetra Neons or Barbs to start off (maybe 6-10 of either of these species and then wait a couple of weeks to add more) but would it be a good idea to add 6 of both? Any...
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    Nice New Tank

    Great stuff thanks, I didn't think I would have to go and switch off the mains, but best safe than sorry I suppose, I only filled the tank last night and switched all the power on so I am going to opt for the fishless cycle because I don't wanna be cruel, also, I've noticed that even this...
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    Nice New Tank

    Cheers Dogson, I think I just needed someone to put my mind at ease lol! Now that I have that little phobia out of the way I can start concentrating on the fishless cycle, been reading up on it quite a bit so can't wait to get started, once the cycle is complete should I bring the temp down to...
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    Nice New Tank

    Hi all I've just bought a lovely 125 litre freshwater tank that I would like to keep some nice tropical fish in...the set up went pretty well (i think!) considering I'm a complete beginner to this, but it's been something I've been very much interested in for a long long time...anyway, I've...