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  1. R

    Picky Ram

    Mine seem to really like catfish wafers.
  2. R

    Jaguars Acting Weird?

    yeah my plan all along was to just keep one of them. So another option I guess would be to get rid of the little one right now... but I don't really want to, he's cute :) probably I'll keep both of them until they outgrow the 55 gal. I'll get a couple of silver dollars or giant danios...
  3. R

    Jaguars Acting Weird?

    Water stats are 0,0,5. I do watch them eat and it seems to me that the little one still gets a decent share of food. But the big one sure is greedy... he even eats the algae wafers I put in for the pleco. Can't wait until they get big enough to sex, I feel like that might clear things up somewhat
  4. R

    Jaguars Acting Weird?

    So I have two juvenile jaguar cichlids in my 55 gallon (200 l) tank, while the 125 cycles. I got them about 5 months ago, when they were less than an inch long. There were originally three, but I had to sell one cause he didn't grow, and was getting beat up. Now a similar thing is happening...
  5. R

    Ram Question Can You Help Me, Anyone?

    probably you can. the only thing is, there's no guarantee they'll pair up. Possibly you could get two or three females and see if he pairs up with one of them, then remove the others. In a tank that size, I would recommend a pair.
  6. R

    Help With Sexing My German Blue Rams

    Ok thanks everybody!
  7. R

    Help With Sexing My German Blue Rams

    Yeah I'm leaning towards male for all of them And sorry about the small pictures, I have no idea how to make them bigger....
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    Help With Sexing My German Blue Rams

    Ok so I have three long-finned GBRs. I've been having a really tough time sexing them... I would estimate their age to be around 6 months, they're all between an inch and an inch and a half So my problem is, I feel like they all display characteristics of both sexes! Kinda frustrating. They all...
  9. R

    German Gold Ram

    Most likely it is a long-finned german blue, I have three of them. But yeah, I'd need a picture to confirm :) A small school of neon tetras like you have are actually great tankmates for a ram. They'll act as dithers so your ram will be more confident and you'll see him more. but rams are very...
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    My German Blue Rams - Are They Mating?

    I realize this might be a little late.... Rams can reach sexual maturity quite young, like around 6 months. When breeding, you can pretty much leave them and their fry be, rams are excellent parents. Having said that, the first couple times they spawn a young pair will usually eat the eggs. But...
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    Ram Id Please?

    Thank you!
  12. R

    Ram Id Please?

    Bolivian or GBR? Ram #1 Ram #2 (the camera...
  13. R

    A Fish For My 10 Gal

    Hi! I'm new here. I have a 10 (US) gal tank that currently has two zebra danios. What I'd like to do is get one other, larger, fish for the tank as well. Originally is was thinking about a red-tailed black shark, but upon researching it I realized one of them would need a bigger tank than that...