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  1. D

    tetra needs help

    Cometcattle... Thanks for the clarity....I was using the "common" phrase, but a bulletproof vest with a fish in it say it all. Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes is the true form of the expression. D
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    tetra needs help

    Again, thanks to all who responded. I took the euthanasia path with my black neon. He didn't respond to medication and kept getting larger to the point of no return. As they say in parts of Italy, "He sleeps with the fishes now". He brought me 4 years of viewing pleasure and I will miss him...
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    tetra needs help

    As always...thanks for your concern and information. My neon is still acting normal...I'll keep you posted. Thank you again for being there and taking the time to respond. D.
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    tetra needs help

    Thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to my post. He is eating normally and swimming normally (for someone his size & shape). If I stop feeding for a few days, I assume I'd have to sequester him from the tank population so they can be fed as normal. If I want to put him down and...
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    tetra needs help

    Sorry about the huge photo folks...I'll know better next time.
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    tetra needs help

    My thanks to those who responded to my initial post about my rather large black neon. No porcupine action with the scales, just way too large. This happened to him once before, although not as severe, and he somehow went back to normal size. I added 4 hatchets about a month ago and his...
  7. swollen__6_.jpg


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    Im Naughty

    Did you know that the difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits...guess which category you fall in.
  9. D

    Black neon dropsy?

    I have an established baby tank (10 gallon)...all started with 4 white clouds in an AquaBaby as a gift. It's been going since 1998 with various inhabitants that bring me a great deal of joy. Currently, I have a black neon with what appears to be dropsy...he looks like he's about to explode...