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  1. S

    My Female Cactuoides Again, Hopefully Lol

    No not yet you will know when see is she will change to a lovely yellow colour have a look at my video of my females and look at the colour cac female with fry
  2. S

    Apisto Id

    Its a young male Apistogramma cacatuoides either a poorly coloured domestic strain or could be wild
  3. S

    Rams In Community Tank?

    ive had ohe pair for eighteen months now and raised 7 lots fo fry i thinka its what they are used to from where you buy them and the breeder i bought them from had all his at that temp maybe i was just lucky with where i got them
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    Rams In Community Tank?

    i would say you will be fine with blue rams i have a pair in each of my three tanks which are all 180l with no trouble but i would try to buy some from a breeder not the shops as they are more used to lower temps mine are all in 27 degrees and have all breed and raised fry with no problems to...
  5. S

    German Ram Or Bolivian?

    if you want rams buy from this guy his fieh are the best quality you will find in this country rams