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  1. C

    100g Setup

    I would post pictures but I do not have the tank running yet. I need suggestions on decor and species. Malawi is a big group. Can you please define this more for me? Thank you, Cliff
  2. C

    100g Setup

    I am in the process of setting up a 100g tank. Was wondering about what type of fish and decor I should put in it. I was thinking maybe a small shoal of P. Nattereri. Although, I am also thinking of a large cichlid but do not know much about them. I need some ideas on what to do. Thank you.
  3. C

    Piranha Bite.

    My bite was bad, I had to wear basically a 14 layer guaze condom for two weeks, and after that it took a month to health, and the scar has deformed my finger and is very raised. It has healed but I still have no feeling around or on it. You are very lucky you didn't get hurt. I do no have...
  4. C

    Piranha Bite.

    All I have is the tanks setup and running. The tanks are bare, with good filtration, just wanted some ideas for species. In the past I kept a RTC (18") and a tiger shovelnose (10") in the 100g, but one morning I checked on them and the RTC had the tiger's tail sticking out of its mouth and...
  5. C

    Piranha Bite.

    This happened almost two years ago that I was bitten. I have since had to get rid of all of my tanks (15 in total). I shouldn't say get rid of but they are eithe donated or in storage. The bite was vicious for such a small creature, it took over a month and a half to heal and I still do not...
  6. C

    Piranha Bite.

    I was just wondering if anyone who owns red-bellied piranhas has ever been bitten by one like I have. In my case, it was a six inch specimen that I had had my hands in the tank thousands of times without incident. The only thing that I can think of for the cause of the bite was that I...