Search results

  1. beckihrh

    What Size Tank Would You Recommend For A Beginner?

    Hind site is 20/20. I started with a 10 gallon freshwater, and then graduated to the 55 gallon. They are both cycled and stocked. Now days the 55 gallon is easier to take care of. I have less algie issues. So I would go bigger. 29 gallon is a good starter! just my 2 cents. Now I'm broke!
  2. beckihrh

    Of Fairly Priced Fish And Good Service

    Garry, Im am sorry to say that I live in California USA wont be able to visit this shop. :sad: . But I had to thank you for sharring your story. It made me smile. I can picture your wife tapping her foot. :no: I just wanted to let you know that someone read your post today and enjoyed it...
  3. beckihrh

    My Cats

    I am new to this forum. I have 2 freshwater tanks. 1-10 gallon and a 55. I also have a cat who loves my aquariums. I thought I would share photos. Thanks Becki
  4. bella_55.jpg

