Search results

  1. blix

    Zebra Danio Gender Determination

    Sorry---wasn't meant to cause confusion. It's a subtle fin color difference. I am referring to zebra danios. They move fast so sometimes it is hard to notice. I just hadnt heard about this online anywhere but remember reading it somewhere about the anal fin coloration and was wondering if anyone...
  2. blix

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    I'm not one for the ornaments that don't closely resemble actual stuff you would see underwater...Gravel is a different story though----I can deal with just about any color gravel. I went through a long period of "completely natural" looking gravel and to be honest I wanted some kind of change...
  3. blix

    I Cannot Get Rid Of This Ich/parasite!

    I got it at either petsmart or my local fish store called "Best in Pets". I can't remember which one of the two though. Petsmart should have it though.... If you cant find it at your fish store you can get it here (Doctors Foster and Smith to the rescue again!! (I swear they have just about...
  4. blix

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    Yeah it does have kind of a "night of the living dead ichthyoid" kind of feel hehe....Which I totally dig also!!! It's just a red gravel that is showing its age. When I stir up the bottom it goes back to the bright red color as the algae covered ones get hidden. I try not to do that to much as...
  5. blix

    Thoughts On This Fishbowl.

    Severely overstocked....even if it was a 3 gallon square tank as opposed to a fishbowl. Fishbowls are just not good ideas in the first place. Undergravel filter plus decorative plant----filter hardware and plant make the living space even that much smaller as it would be in the way in such a...
  6. blix

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    Nah they are plastic ones. I have a terrible time with real plants in the tank. My "blue thumb" is just not up to that challenge. But the fact you even asked that makes it good enough for me to continue faking the greenery :rolleyes:
  7. blix

    The Breeder Tank I Just Set Up

    Going to be a little while yet---I need the breeding stock to get accustomed to life here first and when I have a better idea of their routine in this department I can start with them....that will give the breeding tank time to become fish-ready. Plus I am still getting the temperatures in all...
  8. blix

    Corydoras Are Just So Cool

    I have always loved having cory's in my tank. Here are two of the three I have in my 29 chumming it up. My other one was swimming elsewhere. Got to run the razor blade over the inside front glass again though----seems to work much better than commercial algae scrapers...
  9. blix

    I Cannot Get Rid Of This Ich/parasite!

    Here is a picture of this magic elixer: The price on it has probably went up-----I bought this bottle a while back. As you can tell I haven't had to use it very often but it is very good to have onhand. The packaging is kind of blurry in the pic but here is what it says: Price: 2.36...
  10. blix

    Zebra Danio Gender Determination

    Just curious as to if anyone else had heard this before. I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that the anal fins in this species are different colors on males than on females. One gender has the anal fin more gold colored and the other gender has the anal fin bluish colored. I had zebra...
  11. blix

    The Breeder Tank I Just Set Up

    I know a lot of people prefer the real plants but its more of a factor of less maintenance for me to use the fake plants. And thank you btw!! :D
  12. blix

    New Tank, Not Set Up Or Cycled, Just Looking For Idea

    Lots of options really....just make sure whatever you put in with them are agile things....I would expect giant danios would be sizeable enough and nimble as well....two keys here: robust, agile fish as tankmates keep a decent sized school of Tiger Barbs so they keep their antics more amongst...
  13. blix

    The Breeder Tank I Just Set Up

    I intend to use this to breed white clouds in. Does it look like it will save 90% of the eggs or better if the parents get hungry? I hear they don't mess with the eggs but you never know.....Got a sponge filter running in there and its a very established foam filter from a snail rearing tank...
  14. blix

    My 29 Gallon Tank

    You can't see a whole lot of fish in there in this picture but there are some 20 white clouds in there plus a swordtail and three corydoras, a zebra danioo and two neon tetras. Close to the stocking limit I would say but some of the white clouds will be moved to breeding tanks as I prep the 125...
  15. blix

    Some People Just Dont Listen

    It's a sad reality. People often won't listen because they think "Hey its just a fish." Well let me tell you something----it may "just be a fish" but it still is a living organism. I cannot stand when people who do not know better take that kind of attitude towards fish---as being just a...
  16. blix

    I Cannot Get Rid Of This Ich/parasite!

    Best Ich medicine I have ever used---AQUARI-SOL. Has the added bonus of not staining silicone sealant on your tanks blue also. I've used it anytime I have had an ich outbreak and the parasites are gone off the fish in a matter of a couple days tops. Remember to still keep treating though after...
  17. blix

    How Could Someone Be So Mean, Vengeful And Dumb?!

    Hey Jourdy, I am surprised I had not heard this story yet. Especially since I am from the area. Even if I was mad at some pet store for something like this happening to me I would not be able to hurt innocent animals to exact revenge. Sounds like this guy was relatively new to the hobby from...
  18. blix

    Oppose Hr 669

    This is verbatim what I wrote to my congresswoman regarding this complete travesty of a house bill: Hello, This is in reference to House Bill HR669. This legislation that is currently under consideration is completely ridiculous. I am a responsible pet owner and if this bill passes then it...
  19. blix

    Greetings All

    I am pretty sure Mollies like a little bit of salt in their water....and if she is aggressive then it might not be a good idea to put fish in with her that are generally docile. Mollies like it warmer than White clouds normally do also but it can be managed temperature-wise. I would go with...
  20. blix

    Going To Try White Clouds

    I have read how easy it apparently is to breed these little I'm going to try it and see what happens. Only there are a couple of potential problems: There are 2 neon tetras, a zebra danio, and a swordtail in the maintenance tank The maintenance tank has an established population of...
  21. blix

    Hello Everyone

    I saw that!! I was perusing the pages as a guest and well....I just had to join up!! As soon as my camera battery charges I will post some pics of my 29 gallon tank---in the appropriate section of course!!
  22. blix

    Hello Everyone

    Hello everyone...I think this is the right place for this... Just wanted to say hello to all the fellow fish lovers! I have been keeping fish for a while...just haven't been part of any forum about it until now. :rolleyes: