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  1. B

    Hi Ya'll

    Hi, Bettas huh. Personally I love cichlids. They are beautiful and very agressive and are the fish :D they are challanging and fun. :D :hyper: I hope that you learn all you can here. Some time I learn to much at one time :crazy: but it is the BEST frourm one the net.
  2. B

    Game #6

    You are the winner Xxzsdrklakdfg!!! :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :D :D :lol: :fun: :D
  3. B

    Would a snail be a good thing...

    You know you are Very funny :lol: :lol: :D I did not think that it would work. I a way it would but that could be expencive fish food. :lol:
  4. B

    Would a snail be a good thing...

    I was wondering if a snail would be a good thing to have in a cichlid tank. Would on live with cichlids. Is there a chance that that my tank could be over run by snails (well that is what my uncle told me would happen) And is there a way to controll the population of snails? :huh:
  5. B

    Game #6

    NO. hee...hee..hee :D :D :D
  6. B

    Game #6

    NO not a silver dollar. Clue #3 I come from Thailand. :D :hyper: :fun: :)
  7. B

    Game #6

    NO good guess though. Clue #2 I Get REALLY... REALLY Big. :hyper:
  8. B

    Game #6

    NO. :D :D :D
  9. B

    my Jack Dempsey

    I have a Jack. It was my first fish and he was all alone to he did kinda the same thing and I came home with a green terror and fire mouth. Then my Jack perked up and he started to act like normal. All I can say is that he my be sick or lonley. With my knowlage it my just be a pase that they go...
  10. B

    Choice on new cichlids.

    I have conciered the Red hooks befor but I was not sure about the cichlids they are pritty mean. I put Bala Sharks in the tank that where about 6 cm long and they where gone that night. And CM if you can give me any names that would be much help too. :D I really :wub: fish they make me...
  11. B

    Game #6

    Clue #1 I am Shiny
  12. B

    fish game #5

    could it be a Leaf Fish or a Goast Knifefish??? :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: This is driving me crazy
  13. B

    What the heck you can color fish by dying!!!

    MT I am glad that is asked about this now the other menbers will know about this. this is a bad way to get color from your fish. You know I have found out about some new food that is balanced good neutreants that will enhance color. And they make better lights that bring out the color of...
  14. B

    What the heck you can color fish by dying!!!

    I did not know about the process. Form what you said so far it sounds mean. What I thought when I saw dyed fish I thought that the it was done in a less pain full way. I would never want to do that to any fish. Thanks for filling me in on it if you have any thing else to tell me drop me a PM.
  15. B

    Choice on new cichlids.

    I have a Jack Deamcy that is about 10 cm, My Green Terror is about 7 cm, and my 2 Convicts are about 5 cm.
  16. B

    What the heck you can color fish by dying!!!

    I did not know that you can color your cichlids. Give me the basic stuff on dying fish. Who can do it? Where do I go? How much dose it caust? Or please tell me if this is a lie. After all I am a newbie. :D
  17. B

    fish game #5

    Are you a Caribe???
  18. B

    Choice on new cichlids.

    You are right I just found that out about the name of the fish. Yes that does look like my fish BUT there is not that much red in her. I guess ta would not mader to much. Lit me know when you can tell me what fish to put for her companions.
  19. B

    Choice on new cichlids.

    On when I say Firehead I mean cichlasoma synspilum. It is about 28 cm long and is not very agressive at all. If this helps.
  20. B

    fish game #5

    Are you a Hatchetfish?
  21. B

    Choice on new cichlids.

    I want to know what is your favorit cichlids and wich lake the come from or country. :D I am looking for new cichlids to get right now I have 2 tanks on 30 gallon with 2 Red zebras, 2 Colbalt blues, 1 Electric yellow, & 3 Electric blues. In my 125 Gallon tank in have 2 convicts, 1 Jakc Deamcy...