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  1. L

    FAO the cheese specialist

    But not until they've had a chance to read what we think of them. :whistle:
  2. L

    FAO the cheese specialist

    Not only do I think it should be locked. I think kribensis and mate should be banned from this site. What a rude duo! :huh:
  3. L

    FAO the cheese specialist

    kribensis and krib mate... why are you attacking Cheese Specialist? She is obviously a good fishkeeper, and can take care of her fish just fine. It appears that you are out to correct all the potential problems of other fishkeepers. What business is this of yours? Why don't you concentrate...
  4. L

    Which lighting?

    Sorry, dude. I'm not familiar with those light bulbs you speak of. :dunno:
  5. L

    Which lighting?

    I think it would still look like you got WAY too many fish in your tank. :D :D Sorry, I couldn't resist.
  6. L

    How long to take bacteria to die

    ... and ??
  7. L

    oi spotty!!

  8. L

    Cloudy water

    The other thing about angelfish ... rule of thumb is a minimum of 1 angel per 10 gallons.
  9. L

    Cloudy water

    Have you ever heard of the 1 inch per gallon rule? Which really only applies to small fish (3" and under) ... the larger the fish I think the rule is more like 1 inch per 5 gallons. You have some potentially LARGE fish there, dude. That gibbi plec could get to 12", the silver shark 14", the...
  10. L

    Cloudy water

    Those tanks are WAY overstocked! :blink: Even if those were gallons instead of litres, they'd still be overstocked.