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  1. konigwolf

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    right click in the text area and select paste or hold ctrl and press v HTH KW
  2. konigwolf

    Just Started Up A New Tank But Do I Keep It Or Not?

    No offense, but please clarify on this, I mean cichlids can vary from <5cm to 2' or more its a little to general IMO :crazy: You can get some quite nice cichlids in a 100-150L tank that are not dwarfs
  3. konigwolf

    Top 10 Least Aggresive Chiclids

    And here would be my list just for the hell of it :) (in no particular order) 1. Discus 2. Nannacara anomala (aka golden cichlid) 3. Laetcara's spp. (in general) 4. Dicrossus spp. (in general) 5. Apistogramma eunotus 6. Mikrogeophagus Ramerezi (aka blue ram, gold ram, german blue ram, dutch...
  4. konigwolf

    Top 10 Least Aggresive Chiclids

    just a FIY Opal is just a particular colour morph of the standard borellii, same as sunburst being just a colour morph of the standard cockatoo Same fish different colour morphs
  5. konigwolf

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    Biggest cichlid I had before is JD's and Acaras But I'm still ready to be amazed ( and evict him to his new home as soon as I see my cardinals starting to dissapear) KW
  6. konigwolf

    Good Schooling Fish For Nw Cichlids

    Hmm, I must admit giant danios sound/look best so far, silver dollars look better (IMO) than tinfoils after giving them a good look. I figure tiger barbs are probably a little small to cope with an adult oscar (yum yum) KW
  7. konigwolf

    Join The Oscar Club, Its Just For Fun

    OK just finished reading the thread (OK I got to pg 17 then skipped to second last page :P ) Here's my little guy, havnt got a name for him (her?) yet. currently getting bossed around by dwarf cichlids and discus LOL KW PS feel welcom to add me to the clubs
  8. konigwolf

    Good Schooling Fish For Nw Cichlids

    rough dimensions are (curved front) 5'w*2'h*1.5'd. dont like silver dollar will have a good look at tinfoils (after I finish checking the oscar thread LOL) KW
  9. konigwolf

    Tiger Oscar, More Questions

    Thanks for the heads up nelly :) KW
  10. konigwolf

    Good Schooling Fish For Nw Cichlids

    After a schooling fish that wond get munched (or at least munched to often) to go in a 105gallon NW cichlid tank, I did have gold barbs but the have started to dissapear :angry: quite fast of late. stocked cichlids - JD, salvini, oscar (in future), texas and festivums PS anything against a...
  11. konigwolf

    Tiger Oscar, More Questions

    Thanks for the reply nelly, its just a plaint tiger oscar (no red thank goodness, LOL). And while I'm aware tiger oscars marking do change over their growth. Its just something I'd never heard for keeping their more prominent juvie markings and thought I'd ask. KW
  12. konigwolf

    Fish Id And Advice Please

    Renamed a few years back to Discrossus filamentosa ( theres also a couple of others in the genus) some times called "checkerboard cichlid"
  13. konigwolf

    Two Questions

    Ok first Question, How do you usually feed blood worms (or other frozen block foods), I generally just drop in an appropriate amount of blocks, but some seeing some as my larger fish are capable of taking near the entire block at once I'm thinking about thawing the blocks first make sure all the...
  14. konigwolf

    Tiger Oscar, More Questions

    Another Question, I know from reading oscars are good for PH 6-8 (so 7 is good average), but when I bought my oscar the guy at the pet store said keep[ing the PH at the higher end helps them retain their markings, is this right? KW
  15. konigwolf

    2ft Tank 65-70 Litre

    dwarf pike cichlids
  16. konigwolf

    Tiger Oscar, More Questions

    Thanks, current size tank is a 4'/55gallon, so I figure a good size first tank for him. KW
  17. konigwolf

    Tiger Oscar, More Questions

    Ok, Generally I dislike oscars, cept one type, basic tigers (silver/black). So after years of saying I'd never have, today for the first time in 4 1/2 years of keeping fish I saw my first one availible to buy (every other one being albino/tiger albino/red/tiger red) so of course I was naughty an...
  18. konigwolf

    Sexing My Blue Acara....

    Ditto on markandhisfish, while probable female for the above reason, if still only 2" hard to be 100% (although the slower growth rate would aslo suggest female) KW
  19. konigwolf

    Cockatoo Behaviour & Sexing

    The coloured one is def a male, I'd say the other is female. Reasoning? No distinct colouring in the fins, whats there is normal for a female. Truckasaurus, the cobalt yellow you are talking about in females is a breeding colour, almost all apisto species only show this when they are ready to...
  20. konigwolf

    Breeding Rams

    Minxfishy fairly right their. One th ing to watch for is Rams are sensitive (like many dwarf cichlids) and really prefer a mature tank. One of the prime reasons for getting a group of rams and having them pair off is female rams can be picky in their mate. One thing to help improve parenting is...
  21. konigwolf

    Hi All :)

    The two headed bit off the bottom :rolleyes: KW
  22. konigwolf

    Runty Pleco?

    Just wondering about runt common pleco's. I've had it nearly 12months and its grown all of maybe 2cm. it would of been 7-8 cm TL when I bought it, now its about 9-10 cm TL. It was originally in a 40G tank with a pair of blue acara and a couple of other NW small medium cichlids, fed crumble...
  23. konigwolf

    Blue Acara

    If their old enough to sex they are probably old enough to breed (3-4cm TL). Blue acara are almost as prolific as convicts, just that convicts can start to breed before their old enough to sex LOL. HTH KW
  24. konigwolf

    Discus Question

    Deff. agree and disagree on some points here. a 40 is 2 small no if buts or maybes for 5 adult discus, also its not good to add 3 small discus to already established discus, they are cichlids and do behave as such (part of the primary reason for schooling discus in large groups is to even out...
  25. konigwolf

    Cloudy Water From Sand

    It can also help if you lay down a large dinner plate and add the water direct onto that, it really minimises the stir up KW
  26. konigwolf

    Will It Be Ok Upstairs?

    If an upstairs room cant handle a 125L tank (figure around) 150kg maybe a little more set up (the weight of 2 people), I'd really thing about moving house. KW
  27. konigwolf

    Advice On Filtration Please

    I've never had any experience with inline heaters, so no help there. If you are wanting to get the heater out of the tank you could try a sump. As for the fluval 205, its supposed to be ok for up to 200 liters, I dont know what the LPH throughput is but I usually aim for a tank turn over of...
  28. konigwolf

    Hi All :)

    Just dropping in to say hi :good: . I've been keeping fish for 4 1/2 years now with my faves being dwarf cichlids. I have a 5'/105G mostly new world cichlid tank 4'/55G Palludarium (mixed community) 3'/40G cichlid mostly new world cichlid tank PS I also hail from downunder KW