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  1. Bella

    My Parrots Finally Posed For Pictures!

    ya that forum is good. very friendly people
  2. Bella

    My Parrots Finally Posed For Pictures!

    haha very cute again... I just saw your pic's a few min ago on the Blood parrot forum. :good:
  3. Bella

    Tank Big Enough?

    I would say you could house one in there. Make sure you have lots of filteration because they are messy fish.
  4. Bella

    Proud New Owner!

    I have them in a a 90G tank. Some of mine were shy for months and months and when they got use to me they were still shy in front of company... people always would ask what is in the tank because they would all be hiding lol... but now they are not shy around anyone.... they are always out and...
  5. Bella

    Proud New Owner!

    Congrats. Blood Parrots have the best personality. I started off with two and now have 7.
  6. Bella

    Help And Advice Needed

    My Plood parots lay eggs almost every month or so.. no fry have come of them at all. I'm guessing the male are sterile in my tank. I just leave the eggs in there till the day to clean the tank.... the blood parrots will knock off or eat the white eggs to protect the good ones from fungus... but...
  7. Bella

    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    I just wanted to share the response I received in Canada... Dear Ms. Larondeau: Your Member of Parliament, Mr. Anthony Rota, has forwarded a copy of your correspondence of October 16, 2009, regarding the use of dyes in the aquarium trade. In Canada, there is currently no Federal...
  8. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    Once three days after first treatment and after a water change. They are all looking great now. Thanks for the help.. I was giving up on treating them as it was hard to nail what to treat with.
  9. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    good News, I didn't loose any more fish and all are very healthy and swimming and eating. The pleco has his color back as well.. the parasite guard worked. :) I did have one of the mollies abort but antoher had some fry. All the fry are healthy too.
  10. Bella

    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    I live in Canada but I did send this out here to my Mp who then forwared it to Minister Shea. We'll see what happens. I've also had some friends and family send it in as well. i don't agree with dyed fish.. I'm lucky when I bought my blood parrots that none were dyed.. considering I was new to...
  11. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    ya I kept an eye out for that they seem to be normal stool. nothing stringy or white. I'm going to treat with the parasite guard and see how that go's. I really appricate your help. My fish are my pets and part of my family. I will try anything to help them.
  12. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    I believe you. That is why I am here to get help from some experts. :)
  13. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    Thank you for the link. I wish it was something simple to narrow down like ick. I feel bad throwing all these different treatments in the tank. I started off using Pimafix before because of it treating a broad range of infections... then I did a water change because it was not working and...
  14. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    Ph is good... for some reason that tank is always around 7.6 to 7.8 but it's never changed really in the year I've had it... I just did a test to confirm 7.8 no chemicals near the tank.. even my man knows not to spay anything even in that room. lol.
  15. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    oh good. I have Parasite Guard. Because the fish stores seem to never had that many meds... Last year they had a big shipment in of a varity of meds.. I bought everything I could so I would have it on hand if needed... I never had a problem but wanted to be prepared .. too bad they did not...
  16. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    oh yes .. I went to the store to get that but they said it is on backorder. they seem to have a hard time getting meds in.. the wall was half empty... I went to two stores... thats all we have here. I almost want to drive the 3 hours to big al's lol
  17. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    I bought shimmy blocks. but they didn't work. I did have parisite meds in there but did a water change and added the shimmy blocks. All four male mollies died. Two Platy's died and the other three are on their way. no flicking . The other four female mollies have no energy just kinda lay around...
  18. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    ok perfect. I kinda thought it was the shimmies and that the bateria meds would work. I'll pick up some clout on my way home from work. I hope it works. I placed the two not swimming in a breeder box because the platy was pecking at them. they are just laying there. Poor guys. I hope I save them...
  19. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    29G 5 baby platy 4 male mollies 4 new small female mollies a baby sail fin pleco ( only there till he grows a bit then moved to a 90G) oh yes and my 12 fry born last night in a breeder box now) all the fish are small they are not full grown yet. No signs on their body to show sickness at...
  20. Bella

    Sick Mollies

    My mollies have never been sick since birth. they are almost a year old and I have all the males in one tank and female's in another. The male tank is the problem. It is a 29G and has 5 baby platy in there and four mollies.. a baby sail fin pleco till he grows a bit. I decided to add some...
  21. Bella

    A Sick Little Guy

    thank you again. I wont risk having an angry betta. lol. I tried telling her about options but she does not want anything but a tank.. the tank she moved him to is not much bigger ( he is doing better) but she is going to buy a bigger tank this week to give him a perm home.
  22. Bella

    A Sick Little Guy

    she moved him to a bigger tank and said he is more lively.. She does not want any cords near the water. Thanks for all the help.. I learned a lot about Betta's in this section of the forum too. They are really cool looking fish.. I almost with I had a tank to put one in... Do they go well...
  23. Bella

    A Sick Little Guy

    I told her to move him to another larger tank and she is doing it today. Thanks for the help. I also advised her to get a heater. I hope her little guy perks up. she named him ...RuePaul
  24. Bella

    A Sick Little Guy

    thank you. I'll bring my test kits over there to test her water... I never really thought of that.. I did tell her to move him to a larger tank as I thought that one was a bit too small. And ya I was not sure how to measure the Pimafix... I was thinking on treating a gallon of water then add...
  25. Bella

    A Sick Little Guy

    after looking at bettas on here ... the fins do kinda look shreaded.. like not solid. I don't know anything about these fish.
  26. Bella

    A Sick Little Guy

    My friend at work has a betta.. nothing too fancy.. anyway. I keep lots of Blood parrots and other larger breeds. She has had him for 6 Months and very healthy and active She asked me over tonight to see if I could help. I don't know much about bettas but knew this would be the place to go She...
  27. Bella

    What Is This?

    I was thinking the same thing..
  28. Bella

    My Poor Platy Has Her Tail Chomped Off!

    I use Malafix for open sores if needed it is made by API and is and antibacterial fish remedy for many things like open red sores fin rot eye cloud and fungus. I use Pimafix for external and internalbacterial infections. both products do not harm the biological filter and are all natural.
  29. Bella


    well I had a fish that only did that a few times and by the next day.. she def had whirling disease I have no idea how she got it and no one else in the tank was sick. She would still try and eat but did not live very long after that. Keep a close eye.
  30. Bella

    Keeping Parrots

    if you want to make sure they get along then dont buy them too small.. I've had two pairs that I purchased small and seem to be the ones that fight eachother more in the tank as they grew.. The larger one's I purchased seem to get along great.. thats just my opinion/ experience.. I'm not sure if...
  31. Bella

    Kirrin Parrots

    they are very beautiful. I just seen a few pic's of them on another forum a few days ago. First time seeing them.. I wish I had room in my BP tank for one I would def get one.. I'll have to wait till I get anther tank for that beauty though. :)
  32. Bella

    Odd Death Of A Platy

    Well, I went and fed them today. all was find and eating. two hour later I look over and my platy is dead. I did a test right away and Ammonia 0 Ph 6.8 to 6.7 Nitrite is 0 and nitrate is 10 ml/l.. I have no idea what happen to her. she looks like no marks on her.. doesn't look bloated or...
  33. Bella

    What Do Ppl Do With Their Unwanted Fry?

    I sell mine on a site called Kijiji. I sell them $1.00 each once they are big enough to not get caught in the filter. I only put a price them them to avoid people looking for feeder fish. I refuse to sell them as feeder fish. If I can tell when people come buy they want them as pets.. I usally...
  34. Bella


    Awww, I'm sorry to hear she passed.
  35. Bella

    Parrot Fish

    ya it's true blood parrots will move rocks when they are ready to attempt to breed. they are "cleaning" lol
  36. Bella

    Talk About Timming

    no the only fry i found were platy. she was a good breeder though.. she did drop a lot of fry over the past year.
  37. Bella

    Talk About Timming

    Awww... My swordtail died in labor.... Something was not right. she started laying on the floor of the tank.. the other sword came and layed with her and she passed. Poor girl.
  38. Bella

    Talk About Timming

    Well I went away for the weekend. opened the curtins and kept the lights off on the tanks... I came home to one platy aborting.. but look over and there is the second one in labor.. the third one is going to drop any day and then the swordtail this morning is dropping fry. WOW... thats a lot of...
  39. Bella

    Red Sevrum Has Developed A Cough

    I have a blood parrot that looked like he was coughing.. did it about 8 times.. seems she liked to put big rocks in her mouth and could not get them out.. I've had to net her 9 times to put her on a clean table and remove the rock myself. But you stated you already looked in their mouth and if...
  40. Bella

    Why do you name your fishes?

    I've named most of my fish because they are my pets :) I did not name the babies because there is like 80 of them lol.. but my large tank and one smaller one have 7 BP... moon beam, sunshine, bella, lunar, shadow, marley, and louie. I also have 3 Pleco,s keeper steve, daisy and gilbert.