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  1. Osphromenoides

    Nitrite Will Never Drop!

    Part of your problem might b your water changes. 70% is quite a bit. Scale back to 25% every 2 wks till u even out.
  2. Osphromenoides

    In Need Of Opinions..

    You can keep basically whatever compatable fish you wish in there untill they get to breeder size(aproax. 3" body size). When they come to show spawning behavior you may want 1 or 2 smaller non agressive types. The reason being, parenting behavior instincts will be strengthened if they have...
  3. Osphromenoides

    Honey Gourami

    I have found with the smaller gouramis (if you don't have a species tank) it is best to get 1 male and 2 females. It just really seems to work out. The male ends up too busy to be aggressive. Yoy might end up with a nice spawn as well
  4. Osphromenoides

    Whats your favorite Gourami

    My favorite is the Chocolate Gourami. Sphaericthys Osphromenoides. I can't seem to understand how to get my picture as my avitar but, if you click on my name I have a nice picture taken just last week.
  5. Osphromenoides


    If you were only going to be gone a day or two it would have just been better if your fish didn't eat. The food block is what caused most of your problem. Those things are nasty. Do a bit of a water change. I'd say 50% but don't syphon gravel. You will need to stabilize your PH and...
  6. Osphromenoides


    They really are bulls in a china shop aren't they?
  7. Osphromenoides


    It is probably your Pleco gettin rowdy at night. Move the plant. See if it happens again :hyper:
  8. Osphromenoides

    Tank Algae Problem

    Check your nitrATE level. If you are through your cycle you probably have a nitrate build up in an empty tank. Perfect environment for algae. Put some live plants in and scrub the algae off the tank if you feel it is unsightly. Otherwise it is a sign of a healthy tank. I wouldn't worry about...
  9. Osphromenoides


    Is the plant close to a tank wall? If so perhaps it was just bumped wrong and broke on the tank wall. If it was a straight "cut" chances are it was not the fish.
  10. Osphromenoides

    fighter fish

    What are you concidering a fighter fish? A Betta?
  11. Osphromenoides

    profiles for main page

    Actually the fish that is misnamed is a Macropodus Opercularis (common paradise fish). An anibantoid but not of the gourami species. Not really a good community fish either especially with Tetras (esp. small ones)
  12. Osphromenoides


    I would only do this if your other solutions don't work. I had an angel that was egg bound and laying at the bottom or resting on something else as you say. I made a mild soluton of aquarium sea salt and declorinated warm (80-85) water and poured it over her directly in the tank. After 2 or 3...
  13. Osphromenoides

    Cycling with fish

    My theory in this is purly about cycling. I wasn't trying to imply that this way of cycling "cured" my fish. With such a short notice and lack of avaiability of these fish I needed a quick solution for set up. The fact that they didn't have to be placed in a tank partway through the nitrogen...
  14. Osphromenoides

    Cycling with fish

    The bacteria was present on the leaves of the plants and in the potted material. As I said I put the spongie material into my biofilter. also I tried to get plants with lots of surface area. Bacopa , Anubias Nana and Gigantia, Hygro and that smaller species of anacharis, I can't remember the...
  15. Osphromenoides

    Cycling with fish

    really, it is not a joke. I have over 1200 gallons of fish tank in my home. I've been minoring in icthyology for 2 years and i've been keeping fish for 26 years. Ever since 1999 I have always cycled my tanks this way. I've never done it this fast before. But, it has always worked very well...
  16. Osphromenoides

    Cycling with fish

    [FONT=Optima]The way I have always started my tanks (ever since I heard of it) was to add a little natural[COLOR=yellow] amonia to the tank. If you know what I mean :hey: I know how it sounds but, it really works. I needed to set up immediatly without using any filtration media from another...