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  1. C

    Unknown Eggs

    i have eggs in the bottom of my tank and have no idea who they are from. They are white (see through) i have 2 pleco's, 1 oscar,1 bichir, and 3 snails. Anyone know who they belong to????
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    Some Kind Of Eggs

    I don't know im new here don't know where to post anything
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    Ruby Barbs

    dark gravel for camaflauge from predators and don't forget to heat the water a little more then usual
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    Some Kind Of Eggs

    I have some clear eggs on the bottom of my tank inside of a little car. They are clear, all i have in my tank is 3 snails, 1 Oscar,1 Bichir, and 2 plecos, who would the eggs belong to. I was thinking the snails but they lay them on the top no???
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    Gold Snails

    do i take the eggs off the side of the tank for this?
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    would oscars eat gold mystery snails?

    None of my Oscas have never eaten a snail, i never thought twice about mixing them together, guess they might something i never knew
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    Gold Snails

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    Found A Snail

    it looks like a ramshorn snail
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    Gold Snails

    My snails are always laying eggs at the top of my tank but never seem to hatch, any advice???
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    I wouldn't mix the two, in a small tank anyway
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    I was wondering i think i may know the answer but does anyone think it would be safe to add my bichir to my Oscar tank? I have 1 full grown tiger Oscar and one 4 or 5" Bichir, i know Bichir won't touch the Oscar i am worried about the Oscar touching the Bichir. But i think at the same time he...
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    What Is A Plec

    Pleco's are considered the "cleaning fish" at least thats what some people recongize them as. Did you know that if you spelt there name outloud your currently pleco would die? There scientific name that is iv'e never tried it and do have plenty. But there are a lot of different pleco's, and do a...
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    I Need Some Help Again With My Oscar!

    I doubt you would find any at the pharmacy but yes it would be safe to continue feeding at least ever other day
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    Poll On Piranhas

    I used to have Piranhas and i currently have a full grown Oscar. I never kept them together but Piranhas work in packs it may seem to work for a little bit but once they get hungry enough your oscar is done.