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  1. J

    Help! Fish Are Sick - Can't Identify Solution

    No, no ammonia reading, my tank has been running over a year and I test ammonia frequently. Have never had a reading (other than during the cycling process) Like I said they look kind of like pimples, inflammed and read with a white center. All the spots have a white center. There are three of...
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    Help! Fish Are Sick - Can't Identify Solution

    Anyone? Today the spots look less red...but they are still there. Any help?
  3. J

    Help! Fish Are Sick - Can't Identify Solution

    I'm using the template to make life easier Request Help Tank size: 30gallon ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 10-20ppm tank temp: 78/26 Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I'll try to keep this simple, if you need more detail I can...
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  5. J

    Sick Fish - Mouth Sore And Black Patches

    Great thanks! Can I take one of the baskets of filter media out of my big tank and put it in the little 5 gallon? Will that keep the bacteria alive? I'm thinking that at least it would be better than nothing I'll start treating right away. Jaclyn
  6. J

    Sick Fish - Mouth Sore And Black Patches

    Okay I bought some medication just to be ready, so if someone could give me some adice right away it would be appreciated. I bought API Fungus Cure (3mg Victoria Green B and 30mg Acriflavine)and API E.M. Erythromycin (200mg Erythromycin)I also got some carbon for my filter for after. I don;t...
  7. J

    Sick Fish - Mouth Sore And Black Patches

    Hi, I use the API text kit for all my measurements. No snails in the tank. The mouth could be rotting, it look sore, it looks like a flap of skin is hanging off it and it's all red and white. It's hard to get a good luck. Anywhere I should start treating? Thanks for your help, I really...
  8. J

    Sick Fish - Mouth Sore And Black Patches

    Tank size: 31 Gallon ammonia: 0ppm nitrite: 0ppm nitrate: 30ppm tank temp: 77 degrees F Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): The first symptom I notice is that one of my Blue-red Tetras has black patches. I could not get a picture because he...
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  10. J

    2 Zebras Dead Today

    Thank you. I have noticed them nipping the fins of my Cories which is why I bought more. Hopefully the larger group will reduce the aggression. I've never seen them go after the Zebras though, probably because the Zebras are quite a bit faster. Certainly a possibility though.
  11. J

    2 Zebras Dead Today

    Hello All, I have had 4 Zebra Danios since February. Today I found two of them dead. No signs of illness. Tankmates: 6 Bronze Cories 5 Serpae Tetras 1 Pygmy Cory Water Stats: Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 40ppm Today is the day for my water change so I did a 30% change just now...
  12. J

    31 Gallon Stocking

    Would the Gourami's be okay with the Zebras and the Harlequin's I plan on getting?
  13. J

    Going On Holidays

    The problem is that I'm not sure the 205 will work on the 10 gallon? The hoses won't fit through the lid openings and the hoses are too short to reach where I have the 10 gallon tank (I have it on top of a bookcase). I could just prop it up on a chair beside but the hoses will still not fit...
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    31 Gallon Stocking

    Anyone? I would also like to get a Gourami pair... Any suggestions?
  15. J

    31 Gallon Stocking

    I have looked at every fish store in the city, no one seems to have any. The guy at the fish store I like says he doesn't know when they will be getting more in. Are all of them happy together? I just don;t want to get a type that will eat the one I have. I like the way the leopard ones look but...
  16. J

    31 Gallon Stocking I should just keep holding out for the store to get more? What other type would you suggest?
  17. J

    31 Gallon Stocking

    Hi Everyone, I currently have 4 Zebra Danios and 1 pygmy Cory in a 10 gallon tank. My 31 gallon cycling is near completion and I need to finalize my stocking plans. I want to move the old fish to the new tank so I have to work with what I've got. I was thinking of this stocking: 10 x Zebra...
  18. J

    Going On Holidays

    I`m missing the joke ;) I just realized that I made a mistake, you told me to put the new media into the new tank, I thought you meant the other way around which made no sense when I thought about it. The problem is I have a Fluval 205 Canister and don`t think the media will all fit in the...
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    Going On Holidays

    The 10 gallon tank only has a under gravel filter so I can't do that. I'll just dump some food in before I leave. Thanks
  20. J

    Going On Holidays

    Would that provide enough ammonia? How much would I have to add on a daily basis?
  21. J

    Going On Holidays

    There are 4 Zebra Danios and 1 Pygmy Cory....the tank has been running for only about 2 months.
  22. J

    Going On Holidays

    Hi Everyone! In a few weeks I am going on Holidays. I will be gone three nights, 4 whole days. Right now my tank is processing ammonia at about 0.25ppm every 12 hours. It's at 0.25ppm right now, so I should be dosing it back up to 5 in 12 hours. Nitrites are being processed as fast as the...
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    Strange Readings!

    Ahhh...sorry now I see ;)
  24. J

    Strange Readings!

    Thanks so much.... I bumped the Ammonia back up to 5ppm today so hopefully I start seeing some action. I'm not expecting miracles but after a month of no activity I'm hoping this is a good jump start. Really? That's 29C, my heater goes up to 30C, so it's pretty much maxed out. Before I put...
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    Strange Readings!

    My old tank had an undergravel filter...this is why someone suggested taking a scoop of gravel and putting it into the canister, there would be no other way to seed the new filter as there is no filter media. The ammonia levels were up, the cycle had started before I moved the gravel, but when...
  26. J

    Strange Readings!

    Hi Everyone. I'll give some background, hopefully not too long winded. I have a 10 gallon tank, fully cycled and up and running for about 2 months now. I decided I wanted a bigger tank. I bought a 31 gallon and started cycling it a month ago. I took Ammonia up to 5ppm and it has not reached...
  27. J

    Stocking A 30gal

    Thanks, I did this today so hopefully it speeds up! Now....anyone have stocking suggestions? Jaclyn
  28. J

    Stocking A 30gal

    Thanks for the great idea! I didn't know I could do that. Right now I have all the baskets filled with those ceramic ring things. Should I put a floss into the top little basket them first and dump the gravel into the bottom basket? Also this may sound dumb, but I haven't stopped the filter...
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    Looks like my new tank! No fish yet...still cycling
  30. J

    Stocking A 30gal

    Well the problem is that my 10 gallon tank just had an undergravel filter so I couldn't clone it :( (part of the reason for the move to a new tank) Now I'm running a fluval 205 on the new tank. I'm cycling it from scratch but it is taken much longer than the first one did. I added 5ppm Ammonia...
  31. J

    Stocking A 30gal

    Hi everyone! I finished cycling my 10 gallon about 6 weeks ago and have successfully had 4 Zebra Danios and 1 Pygmy Cory the entire time (I lost one pygmy in the first week but it seems to have been a one off). As soon as it was up and running I decided I needed a bigger tank. So I bought a...
  32. J

    First Fish Death :(

    I have a fish only bucket that I just bought, I rinsed it out first. I added the drops of dechlorinator to the bucket first and then poured the water in so that it would mix up. Next time I'll leave it for a few minutes first. The other Cory seems to be doing okay...does he need a new friend...
  33. J

    First Fish Death :(

    I have a 10 gallon tank with 4 Zebra Danios and had 2 Pygmy Cories, now I only have 1. I don't think it's overstocked? It's 12 hours later and the rest of my fish are still alive so I hope it's isolated. I should do a water change now? I already flushed the fish but I can tell you he looked...
  34. J

    First Fish Death :(

    I could not find one of my Pygmy Cories this morning but then I turned on the light and saw his dead on the bottom of the tank :( I did a 10% water change yesterday and conditioned the water. All the fish have been very active since I got them last week so I really don't know what could have...
  35. J

    New Fish - A Few Questions

    Hi Everyone, I finally made it through my fishless cycle and purchased 6 fish last week. I have a 10 gallon and bought 4 Zebra Danios and 4 Pygmy Cories. They are all doing great. Swimming, eating and they look healthy. I tested my water 2 days after I got them and Ammonia and Nitrites were...
  36. J

    Api Liquid Nitrate Test

    Thanks...I've only had the test a few weeks but probably used 100 drops out of the bottle (10 each time) so perhaps I'll go buy another test just to be sure.
  37. J

    Ph Crash? I'm not concerned with mhycycle right now. I know that will take time... I'm concerned with the KH and pH. They are fine now but falling rapidly again, I'm worried my water changes have not helped me increase buffering capacity enough and I'm headed for another pH dive in the next few...
  38. J

    Api Liquid Nitrate Test

    Hi everyone, I have an API liquid Nitrate test. I have been following the instructions for the test when I do my readings (doing a fishless cycle), shaking it really vigorously before putting in the second drops and then shaking the tube a lot. Tonight after I had been shaking the tube for...
  39. J

    Ph Crash?

    Looks like two 90% water changes in 2 days have not helped my situation. KH and pH still dropping Current stats (24 hours after 90% water change and topping up ammonia to 5ppm) KH - 3dh pH - 7.8-8.0 Ammonia - oppm Nitites - 5+ ppm Nitrates - 80ppm Where should I go from here?
  40. J

    Ph Crash?

    Thank you! I thought once I had a good Abac colony they would keep processing at the same speed so I got worried. I just topped up the tank to 5ppm ammonia (well added my regular daily amount, might be a little higher since I still had .25ppm). I'll check everything again in 24 hours...