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  1. N

    Can I Mix Him In?

    Hey everybody, I have a 30 gallon tank with two Common Goldfish, two honey gouramis and 2 mollies. Can I bring my red betta in with them? He's so beautiful i think he would look great in the big tank. What do you guys think?
  2. N

    Some Ick Problems

    They're common goldfish with normal eyes and stuff LOL nothing fancy. And I've never had a problem keeping them together with other tropical fish. I read around by googling ick that if you add non ionized salt to the tank it helps curing and prventing deseases... Is that true? Do any of you...
  3. N

    Some Ick Problems

    Well I don't really have an idea of what those measures are , but I just did a 50% wAter change Saturday so I'm sure the readings should be fine. They're yellow goldfish but they're normal goldfish, not those with big eyes or anything. The spots looked like the size of salt grains and the...
  4. N

    Some Ick Problems

    Hey everyone, I need some advise dealing with my tank. The specs: 30 gallons, airstone and filter Stocking: 2 goldfish 4 swordtails 4 angelfish 2 mollies 2 gouramis Now I've had ick once before and I went to petsmart and they told me to buy some blue tablets which I put in the water and...
  5. N

    29 Gal Tank

    LOL the Noas Ark comment made me laugh hahah good one I agree, it sounds better to concentrate on a few fish. Which do you recommend for a colorful display in this 29 gal tank? and how many of each please :)
  6. N

    29 Gal Tank

    Alright I'll make sure to get one of those kits. So my male betta can hang with most tropical fish right? Im thinking of Couples (male and female) 1 couple of guppies 1 couple of mollies 1 couple of platies 1 couple of angel fish and i need a reccomendation for one more couple Or can i get a...
  7. N

    29 Gal Tank

    Hey guys i'm new here! i googled around for fish forums and this one looked like the best one with the most people on, so im glad to be on board. I currently have 2 bettas (one red and one blue) and now im ready to get a community tank. Im planning to buy a 29 gal tank i saw at PetSupermarket...