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  1. E

    Not Sure If Barb Is Sick

    Now I'm going to really show how much of a novice in the fish world I am, turns out that the fish a have that I thought were tiger barbs are actually ruby barbs. The green on its head was always there it just nomally appears more of a black, but with the fish turning red it appeared more of a...
  2. E

    Not Sure If Barb Is Sick

    He is in a 10 gal. tank with 5 other tiger barbs Water stats. -pH = 7.0 -Ammonia = 0 -Nitrites = 0 -Nitrates = 20 He doesn't show any signs of being sick except for the discoloring. He swims around no problems, doesn't hide, not rubbing up against anything, no signs of trouble breathing, eats...
  3. E

    Not Sure If Barb Is Sick

    I have a tiger barb that is turning reddish around his head and tail and on top of is head is a little green. Anybody have an idea?
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    I have a Julii Cory with popeye in one of his eyes. I've tested the water and its fine (did a water change just to be safe) and the filter is recently replaced. None of the other fish (another Julii and 5 Neon Tetras) have popeye. Any suggestions or ideas? I've heard that Maracyn-Two could do...
  6. E

    Fin Nipping

    Just an update I seperated the green barb and put him in another tank by himself. Within 20 minutes the other green barb went on a rampage attacking every fish, so I removed him and put him in the other tank. The two didn't fight each other so I had planned to get more green barbs to add too the...
  7. E

    Fin Nipping

    I had 6 Tiger Barbs 3 regular and 3 albino (no other fish) and they all got togther with no problems. I decided to add 2 green tiger barbs, and for a few days there was no problems. But now one of the green ones has started nipping, but it only nips at one of the regular tiger barbs it leaves...