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  1. destinyxrose

    Not Yet A Disaster, But....

    I would isolate the guppies and give them the finrot med. I don't recommend mixing the ICH med and the fin rot med until after you find out if they can be used together. If you are concerned that the guppies may have spread something, then do a partial water change and isolate the guppies. Keep...
  2. destinyxrose

    Why Is My Balloon Belly Molly Swimming Psychotically?

    Hey, I hate to be a pest but I just wanted to make sure that my Balloon Belly Molly's problem is swim bladder disease. The only reason I ask is because most of the things I read up on swim bladder disease said that fish swim as if they are standing on their head. I am just wondering because my...
  3. destinyxrose

    Not Again!

    I don't really recommend using bleach on fish decorations but thats just me. Because wood absorbs there may be a chance that not all the bleach was rinsed off. If so it could be putting toxins in your tank. Not a sure thing but if it were me, I would take out the wood and do another water change...
  4. destinyxrose

    My Guppy Seem To Be Dying....

    Check the nitrate levels of your tap water before putting it in the tank because that is quite high. That will tell you if it's the tank or your tap water. 12 Gallon tank seems a bit small for how many fish you have in it. There may be some overcrowding issues. I would look into a larger tank...
  5. destinyxrose

    Not Again!

    Sorry to hear about your fish troubles. Just wanted to say that Ph, and Temp are important of course to keep track of, BUT you REALLY need to keep a close eye on Ammonia and NitrAte/NitrIte readings. Just because the temp and PH are fine doesn't mean what so ever that the ammonia and...
  6. destinyxrose

    Snails, Snails, And More Snails! They Won't Stop Coming!

    That's not a bad idea. Might help at least. I am assuming from your tank info that Corys are ok to be in a tank with Platys, Danios, Red Minor Tetra and Mollys? And a frog? I like my ghost shrimp but hardly see them so if they go they go they only cost me like 50 cents. I don't want to lose...
  7. destinyxrose

    Snails, Snails, And More Snails! They Won't Stop Coming!

    My Boyfriend mentioned that he heard of it and his words exactly were "Why put a poison in with fish. That's like us sitting in a poison that kills dogs" Is there any concern for my fish by using this? Would I need to temporarily move my fish to do this? I'd rather deal with the snails than...
  8. destinyxrose

    Why Is My Balloon Belly Molly Swimming Psychotically?

    I have been reading up on swim bladder disease and I am wondering if my symptoms match up. I noticed on almost everything I read about it, it said that the fish often swims with there head facing down. My Molly is swimming with his head upward. I am not sure if that matters but just wanted to...
  9. destinyxrose

    Snails, Snails, And More Snails! They Won't Stop Coming!

    So I seem to have a major snail infestation. I had purchased a GSP sometime back and I had purchased some small snails for him to chow down on. He has then since past on unfortunately and I have since purchased new fish for my tank. The snails won't seem to go away and I am not sure what to do...
  10. destinyxrose

    Why Is My Balloon Belly Molly Swimming Psychotically?

    Thank you. I do give all my fish a boiled pea about every 3-4 weeks but I will give him one every couple days and see how he does. I hope it helps and thanks so much.
  11. destinyxrose

    Why Is My Balloon Belly Molly Swimming Psychotically?

    Wow, Thats not the news I wanted to hear :( ... I was hoping he was just showing off for his little girlfriend.. Well, wishful thinking that is I kinda figured that wasn't going to be the case. Will this kill him and is he in pain? I love this little guy and I would never want him to go if I...
  12. destinyxrose

    Why Is My Balloon Belly Molly Swimming Psychotically?

    I have a Balloon Belly Molly and I have had him since January or so. He seems healthy in pretty much every way except how he swims. He started swimming weird a little over a month ago and he seems to be doing this more often now. He will swim vertically and spin around almost like a little...
  13. destinyxrose

    White Stuff On The Mouth Of Convicts...update...its On My Electric Yel

    I'm not sure if they have maracyn in australia (I'm in the U.S.) But I would check out the "A-Z Common Meds" pinned post on the emergency page. I am sure someone here will know if you can get it or what a better treatment would be if the melafix/pimafix doesn't work if you don't find it on that...
  14. destinyxrose

    Does My Tetra Have Ich?

    Do you think it could be columnaris? I talked to you a while back when I got a green spotted puffer that got it and passed almost immediently. After that I read up on it a lot and the other information you gave me as well. My boyfriend says he hasn't ever seen him eat, I have a couple times but...
  15. destinyxrose

    Nitrite Spike In Tank Following Water Change

    I'm assuming you don't use an under gravel filter right? That's the only reason I could see it shooting up like that. Maybe using a gravel vacuum could help if you don't use one already. The only advice I have is to maybe bring your water down to a pet store/Fish store and check your stats...
  16. destinyxrose

    Have I Purchased Diseased Fish?

    Definitely Weekly water changes at 30%. You really should consider investing in a larger tank especially if you are wanting to get more fish (If you get a larger tank be sure to cycle it before moving them). You really should have at least 1 gallon per inch of fish. Water stats may be higher but...
  17. destinyxrose

    Sometihng Fungas Growing On Fins?

    What are you water stats? (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ph) As Athena said changing the sponges or washing them kills or eliminates the good bacteria that helps keep your water stats safe for your fish. Without it your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate will sky rocket or you'll have to do constant...
  18. destinyxrose

    White Stuff On The Mouth Of Convicts...update...its On My Electric Yel

    Also, when I found out my fish had flexibacter, WILDER sent me this link and it was very informative. It was too late for me but it can give you all the information on it so you can better diagnose and treat it. So here's the site. Check it out.
  19. destinyxrose

    Very Swollen Honey Gourami

    I'd Definitely try feeding it a boiled pea if you think it is constipated. If that doesn't help make sure you watch out for any symptoms of dropsy. Knowing what you feed it would help but since I don't know, just make sure you change up it's diet a little bit. But try the pea, unless you've got...
  20. destinyxrose

    White Stuff On The Mouth Of Convicts...update...its On My Electric Yel

    Hey, I am pretty new in this forum but one of my past fish had flexibacter (Columnaris) and I treated him with pimafix and melafix and he still passed. Flexibacter can attack fast and kill a fish very quickly as well. I am not saying that melafix and pimafix won't work but if you don't see any...
  21. destinyxrose

    Does My Tetra Have Ich?

    I don't think I have enough for a 5 day treatment but I will check I can try to get more should i stick with maracyn 2 or should I go try 1 or something else? I can isolate him but I am concerned since he is a school fish I don't want him to be stressed if he is alone and I was told that even...
  22. destinyxrose

    Does My Tetra Have Ich?

    He doesn't seem to be doing any rubbing. He often just sits there though (not sitting on the bottom, just floats in place). He doesn't really seem to be having any issues swimming but I'm not sure, if anything it's not very obvious. He has gotten a little more active now that he is in a larger...
  23. destinyxrose

    Does My Tetra Have Ich?

    I have a Red Minor Tetra that has a couple white spots, one small and a larger one on its tail fin. I have only had this tetra for just about a month and a half or so and it appeared about 2 weeks or so after purchase. It doesn't seem to be getting worse and he seems pretty active and acting...
  24. destinyxrose

    My Gsp Is Sick & Concern For My Betta. Please Help.

    Thank You. I didn't have him long but I definitely got attached to him. It's not likely that the snails would/will transfer anything Chomper had to my betta right? or should I get on some kind of treatment for him? I don't want to medicate him unless there is a chance of him getting the same...
  25. destinyxrose

    My Gsp Is Sick & Concern For My Betta. Please Help.

    And I just finished reading through that information that you posted. Thank you for that information, now I can be aware and prepared if anything should happen in the future.
  26. destinyxrose

    My Gsp Is Sick & Concern For My Betta. Please Help.

    Yea had live plants. My Betta's tank does as well and his nitrate is 0 as well. Maybe because we're using strips maybe it was an inaccurate reading I don't know. He was by himself so over crowding didn't make much sense. I was constantly checking his water stats. I don't understand what...
  27. destinyxrose

    My Gsp Is Sick & Concern For My Betta. Please Help.

    I purchased a GSP about 2 weeks ago from walmart... yea my first mistake. Anyways, of course same story as practically all, walmart failed to inform me he was not a fresh water fish. Why would do that right? Anyways, after purchasing I have been doing some reading up on him to find out walmart...
  28. destinyxrose

    Is My Betta Sick?

    Hey there, from what I've read I've seen 4-5 pellets is about right. My Betta doesn't really seem to eat that much though. I've also read that giving them a pea every now and then helps them digest. Plants are pretty important for them just because it helps with water clarity and they like...
  29. destinyxrose

    Is My Betta Sick?

    Thank you so much for your response. I will definitely get on testing the water asap. I have been doing about 30 percent water changes every other day but I will increase it for now. I just don't want to stress him out too much either. I guess my concern is that he was seeming less energetic...
  30. destinyxrose

    Is My Betta Sick?

    Hey Everyone. I'm new here and I could use some help. It seems as though my male betta may be sick.. I'm not sure, maybe I'm just paranoid. Anyways, here's some background info first. My boyfriends sister was the one who actually purchased him and bought him for a pet of her own. So with that, I...