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    Tank size and river current questions

    So, I've had my 16 gal for almost 2 years now and am loving the hobby. I'm planning on setting up a bigger tank, and was going to take a stab at replicating an amazon river with bit of a water current. Id like to keep some pimelodus pictus catfish and possibly an oscar or other cichlid. Thanks...
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    Feeding spiders to barbs - good idea?

    Hi, Another question for the board - My apartment gets overrun with spiders in the summer, and I've been dropping the little buggers into my tank for a "treat". I have a few young tiger and red glass barbs, and the seem to enjoy it. Is this a terrible idea? 1. Can the fish "choke" if I put...
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    lol re: Chicago kicking LA's ass :lol: I know, I know :D Thanks for the replies - looks like I should give the little guys away when I move. Oh well.
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    Hi, A question for the forum: I have 5 tiger barbs and 4 red glass barbs in a 16 gal. tank. They are all healthy and happy. I am considering moving from Chicago to LA, and was wondering if there was any tried and true method of transporting these fish, or whether I am stuck giving them away...
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    Red Glass Barbs

    Thanks alot! Appreciate it.
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Well, it looks like things have stabilized. All the inhabitants look healthy and happy again. Even saw some low-key spawing attempts from the red glass barbs. Thanks for your suggestions everyone.
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    Aquarium smells moldy?

    10% every 2 to 3 days...
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    Aquarium smells moldy?

    Hey all, Thanks for all of your responses to my other topic. Water conditions are currently great, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, <10ppm nitrate The tank smells a little moldy - is this a bad sign or normal?
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Thanks for the input re: stocking - Another issue here - though water conditions are all great as far as test results are concerned, is the fact that the tank smells slightly of mold a bad thing?
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    Red Glass Barbs

    Hi, I have several fish which my LFS called "red glass barbs". I'm having trouble finding much information about them online. Are they a naturally occuring species or some sort of man-made strain? Is there a scientific name for them? I heard that the males are the orange ones and the femailes...
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Update: Got a Nitrate test kit today. Water quality is good, 10ppm nitrate, o ammonia, 0 nitrite
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    I've been using this "Stress Coat" stuff from aquarium pharmacuticals inc as the water conditioner, and have been trying to match temps as much as possible. Currently, i feel that temp. fluctuations and possible overfeeding combined with no ability to quarantine new fish are the main culprits...
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Hey Pendragon, Yeah, I never tried to mix the betta in with tiger barbs - got the barbs after the betta died. Also, fish were added in 2-3 week intervals: so its not like I got 16 fish and dumped em in or anything - there was a bit more sanity and research going on here
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Thanks for all the suggestions - Good news for once!! The sick tiger barb looks like it got better. It came out to eat today and is schooling with his buddies instead of hiding under a rock! I'm going to try cutting back on feeding a little. I'd been feeding them twice a day, which sounds...
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Update: Had to euthanize both my green tiger barbs today. They were being pulled around by the current and flipping over and under, getting lodged in plants etc... (At least I knew what to do this time) One of the dead tigers was paralyzed on one side, and in the last hours the other ones...
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    I Can't really link the deaths to either the introduction of new fish or to water changes, just because the water changes and introduction of new fish have been fairly continuous. (I use a drop of dechlorinator / stress coat stuff to prep the water for changes, in answer to the earlier...
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    I dont have a test kit for Nitrate - but figured that the frequent water changes would keep it from ever becoming an issue. PH is a little high, 7.6. I'm inclined right now to point the finger at problems keeping a steady temp. Here in the midwest, the apt. people like blaring the heat in...
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Yeah, cycled the tank with 2 fish, went through the appropriate spikes and then leveled off at 0 ammonia 0 nitrite. I check those levels every week since, and they havn't left 0, even after introducing new fish.
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    Typical Fish Loss Rates?

    Hey, I'm somewhat new to the hobby, having got my aquarium in FEB. of this year. I have a 16 gal. tank with 5 tiger barbs and 4 red glass barbs. Here's my experience with lost fishies over the past few months: 2 Pictus Catfish - loved these little guys, they both died from massive Ich...
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    Help, Fish Covered in White Spots

    I tried to make it pretty clear that I was not blaming other members for the situation. I do however find it disappointing that in this case, this large community of fish owners couldn't provide a wider response. Thanks much for the links you posted. I appreciate your concern for Maxwell, and...
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    Help, Fish Covered in White Spots

    Thank you to those of you who responded to me last night. For the rest of the Fish Forum members, at this point, I have to say I am not particularly thrilled with the level of the response I have gotten. I can now be certain that it's ick, but would have liked to have some more information...
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    Help, Fish Covered in White Spots

    Thank you very much for the reply. I was just about to add something additional when I saw your post: we have a natural-looking yet plastic "rock" in our tank, and I noticed that it has some dime-sized patches on it that look like rust (though I know it can't be rust, because it's plastic!)...
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    Help, Fish Covered in White Spots

    Hello, We have the following fish in our tank: 2 pictus catfish, first occupants, added 6 weeks ago 2 rosy glass barbs, second occupants, added 4 weeks ago 2 more rosy glass barbs, third occupants, added 3 weeks ago 1 gold gourami, fifth occupant, added 2 weeks ago --> just died a couple hours...
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    Betta Sick, White Fuzzy Stuff on Tank Sides

    Well, Put the Betta in a quarantine / hospital bowl with some anti-fungal stuff. He clung to life all day, but alas now has died. Covered in cottony white fuzz. (I feel kinda bad for not euthanising him this morning - just thought he might come back) Just a freak fungal thing, or could he...
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    Betta Sick, White Fuzzy Stuff on Tank Sides

    FWIW, our ammonia this morning was between .25 and .5, and our nitrites were between 0 and .25. Ph is 7.6 or so, temp is 76 degrees. Please help! Going to the store now to get some anti-fungal. :( Alison
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    Betta Sick, White Fuzzy Stuff on Tank Sides

    Hello, Two days ago, started noticing that the sides of our tank with 2 pictus cats in it started to get cloudy looking. Looked it up online, seemed to be a bacterial bloom of some sort (which we figured to be good, since our tank is finishing cycling and we were hoping to finally see more...
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    Cichilds that Play well with Pictus Cats?

    Hey all, Have a 16 gal with two pictus cats, that I'm kind of attached to. They are the only fish in the tank right now. Guy at Petsmart suggested getting a pair of Cichlids as tank mates. Specifically Jewel, Convict or Firemouth. :huh: What I've read online has been a disturbing mix of...
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    Ammonia Levels - Help!

    Hey, SharpRombus' boyfriend here, thanks alot for your post; I appreciate your feedback and help. Yes, this is my first aquarium (how did you know? :*) ) and it's just started cycling ( added fish several days ago) ; but I did familiarize myself with the cycling process as much as I could...