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  1. P

    Cabomba Dying

    That was an older pic when i had an undergravel filter on it. I've taken that out. I bought a new light today. the one that was in there was probably over 2 years old. I picked up a K 18,000 Power-Glo 20w bulb. Do i need more light than that? I was looking at one of these. All-Glass...
  2. P

    Cabomba Dying

    Thanks for the help. :good: My tank isn't running with a carbon filter and i will keep the light on for a longer period of time. The tank is 46cm high and i also have 2 hygos and some type of sword. I want to make sure the the plants will do well.
  3. P

    Cabomba Dying

    LFS said it was Cabomba but I think you are right and it is a ambulia. I was given the tank so am still learning all this stuff. What do reflectors look like? the light is housed above the tank in a all white enclosure. I'm guessing there isn't enough light for the size of the tank? How much...
  4. P

    Cabomba Dying

  5. P

    Cabomba Dying

    So i've had my aquarium up and running since mid-November. One of the first plants i bought was a cabomba. Now it seems to be dying. Turning brown at the outer areas then they break off and the next section turns brown. I have a 30 gal tank with one light that says Eclipse F18TD Natural Day...
  6. P

    Test Kits

    I was using those dip strips. They weren't very accurate and they didn't have ammonia on them plus you only got 20 in a kit. I used them all up and am now using the API Master set which gets you something like 800 tests. Takes me about 10-15 min to do the three test daily and they are more...
  7. P

    Need Help Fish

    Sorry a little more info I'm in Canada. Not a lungfish Arowana. They were more like a parrot platy but with these mustache like things coming out of the side of the head, not really around the mouth more towards the top. A lot like the golden wonder link you sent but the things coming out of the...
  8. P

    Need Help Fish

    Ok... I saw this really great looking fish at the LFS about a month ago and didn't write it down. I'm hoping one of you might be able to tell me what it was. It was about 3-5 cm long yellow and green shinny body. the shape reminds me of a minoe. But the cool thing was it had these awesome...
  9. P

    First Tank. Any Suggestions?

    Sarah, I belive both the red platies are male i'm not sure about the wagtail or sword tail. Is the cross breeding something to be concerned about? I really like the idea of the Christmas moss. I'm don't reall want to jump into the whole CO2 thing with the plants yet until i get everything...
  10. P

    First Tank. Any Suggestions?

    It is an undergravel system. I put it in when I first set up the tank. There is also an external filter hanging on the back. Is it too much substrate? Should I take the undergravel out? Someone told me i might as well leave it until.l the tank is fully cycled.... almost there.
  11. P

    First Tank. Any Suggestions?

    My plan is to get one more Platy and two more Tetras. I'm more thinking about what can i do with the aquascaping? Anyone have any design ideas? Cheers photoj
  12. P

    First Tank. Any Suggestions?

    My mistake I meant a Clown Pleco. Will he be ok?
  13. P

    First Tank. Any Suggestions?

    This is my first tank it's a 30gal. For fish I have 3 Black phantom Tetras, 3 Black Tetras, 2 red Platy, 1 wag tail platy, 1 sword tail and a clown pleco. I'm feeding them tropical flakes and the loach is getting Hikari tropical wafers. For plants 2 Hygro, 1 green Cabomba and a piece of...
  14. P

    First Api Master Test Results

    I am doing water changes every other day of about 30%. Nothing in the filter but a mechanical and a Biological. There are four small plants in the tank so i don't think it's that. Should I be worried about the musty smell? Cheers Photoj
  15. P

    First Api Master Test Results

    Hello everyone. Happy Holidays. How am I making out. It feels like it's working. The only concern I have is there is a musty smell from the tank. :sick: Here are my numbers let me know what you think. Dec 23 :X Nitrate 0 Nitrite .5 Ammonia 0 Dec 25 :( Nitrate 0 Nitrite .25 Amonia 0...
  16. P

    First Api Master Test Results

    Ok so i'll keep the UGF and the external running until the tank is cycled. How do you know when the tank is finished cycling? I guess i knew it was cycling but never thought about when it would be finished. Cheers photoj
  17. P

    First Api Master Test Results

    Hello all. If you read any of my previous posts you would know that I'm accidentally doing a fish in cycle. For fish I have 3 Black phantom Tetras, 3 Black Tetras, 2 red Platy, 1 wag tail platy, 1 sword tail and a clown loach. I'm feeding them tropical flakes and the loach is getting Hikari...
  18. P

    One Death High Nitrites/nitrates Broken Heater And Ick

    The filter is the correct size for the tank and I have taken out the Carbon. I was told to leave the under gravel because they aren't hurting anything and should help bacteria grow. I have turned the water up to 26C and will turn it up more tonight. I'm trying to do it gradually. I will be...
  19. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    Sorry about the double post. (here and in Emergency) but i'm not getting any feedback there. I bought a new heater last night along with ICK clear tablets. I put the new heater in and popped in two tablets. I awoke this morning to one of the platies dead on the bottom. My nitrate level is...
  20. P

    One Death High Nitrites/nitrates Broken Heater And Ick

    So i started off on the wrong foot. I was given a 30 gal tank which i brought home and after a little reading had set up to cycle for a week. It has two under gravel filters as well as a tank filter hanging on the back with Chem/Mech/Bio media in it. Sadly i didn't do enough reading and didn't...
  21. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    Ok just took a closer look at my tank this morning (i'm in Canada) and now notice small white spots on the two platies. I'm guessing this is ICK? I thought they might just be air bubbles last night after the water changes but they are still there today and one of the platies is still hiding. I'm...
  22. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    Ok just finished my 50% water change. Levels are at 0 for Nitrites and Nitrates WooHoo!!!!! What's my next step (besides buying a new heater)? When should I check the Chem levels again, what can i do about the platie that's hiding on the bottom under my log? Cheers photoj
  23. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    Well things just aren't going my way today. I turned everything off before doing the 70% water change and halfway through i hear a pop. You guessed it.... there goes my heater. Three out of the four fish seem to be doing well. One of the platies is sitting down on the bottom of the tank not...
  24. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    What's the best way to do a 70% water change? Should I take the fish out of the tank and put them in a separate tank until i finish? Cheers photoj
  25. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    Thanks for all the help. Ok. As soon as I get home tonight 70% change than an hour later a 50%. I'm guessing i've had the high nitrite levels for the last two weeks. I went back to the LFS a couple of times to get more fish and they tested the water i brought in and said they were high and to...
  26. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    Thanks for the replies. I will get one of the other kits soon but will need to use up the strip ones first. I'll do another 20% water change tomorrow and test again. Was it a good idea to add the Multi-purpose Bio-Support and the Aquarium salt? Do they actually make a difference or just one more...
  27. P

    Fish Stressed First Chem Readings

    Ok i'm about three weeks into my 30 gal cycle with fish in (3 Platies and a swordtail) I started a fish in cycle before I knew about the fishless cycle. As mentioned in previous posts I have two under gravel filters as well as a hanging filter on the back of the tank with the chem/bio/charcoal...
  28. P

    My First Setup

    Thanks for the reply and sorry about the double post there was a forum error when i hit submit. Good to know that I need to replace my carbon filter weekly. I was only going to replace it once a month. I'll also get a test kit and do water changes more frequently until i get the nitrite levels...
  29. P

    My First Setup

    Hello everyone. Just wanted to say hi and tell you I wish I came here first. This is my first aquarium and here is my setup. I have a 30gallon tank, fresh water, that I setup with one filter that hangs over the back with bio/mec/chem media in it. I have two under gravel filters. I set it up to...
  30. P

    My First Setup

    Hello everyone. Just wanted to say hi and tell you I wish I came here first. This is my first aquarium and here is my setup. I have a 30gallon tank, fresh water, that I setup with one filter that hangs over the back with bio/mec/chem media in it. I have two under gravel filters. I set it up to...