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  1. L

    The funniest thing you've ever seen your fish do

    mine would be when i feed my sinking pellets (for the RTS and clowns) the neons love them and its so funny to see then catch when they fall and are halfway down in the water and try to swim off with them, its really funny coz they dont get very far coz the pellet is far biger than thier mouth...
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    SOS Sick Angelfish

    its not dropsy, his/her scales arent sticking out... i have him/her in isolation, i am treating for internal parasite, i dont know what else to treast for... it doesnt look like he/she is going to make it though, she/he is now lying almost vertically!!! :-( :-( *sob* *sob*
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    SOS Sick Angelfish

    Help!!! My angel fish is just sitting at the bottom of my tank, he/ she is reluctant to move, even at feeding time, he/she has been acting odd for a couple of days now, and i'm sure he/she hasnt eaten much even when i hav tempted with live food, he /she has gone to investigate but turn his/her...
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    YES New "Most Members Online" Record

    :rolleyes: :D :lol: :fun: :flex:
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    ich....I just dont get it

    hey... i also have neons with ick!!! I'm so annoyed, i had them in quarentine tank for a week, then i transfered to the main tank, a week later they developed those white spots!!! i'm on day 2 of my prozatin (cant remeber how to spell it now) i have scaleless fish on my tank, so im only...
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    HELP!!!! Whilst observing my fish today i notice a few black spots on two of my rainbow fish, i am totally bermused by this as i have never seen this before, and on my pathetic attempt to go through any fish guides *yawn* hasnt helped (mind you its almost two in the morning, so i properbly read...
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    Clown Loach growing thin

    i had a look again at this website, mine clowns looka lot like this :( i'm really scared and worried... i mean i dont know if there supposed to look like this, they are babies after all... they've been feeding ok up to now, though tommoro will be thier first frozen bloodworm meal, if they get...
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    what am i?

    all my water readings are o just in case you wondering...
  10. L

    what am i?

    hmm... ok, this is just so biazzare... amounst some of my inhabitants of my 55us Gallon aqaurium are 6 zebra dianos 6 lepord dianos and 5 rainbow fish. i would say that i noticed this two weeks back, first it was one some of the zebra dianos, on thier mouth they had this tiny white ball (?- i...
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    Clown Loach growing thin

    hey i dont want to start another thread as this one is about the same topic.. ok i had been searching everywhere for clowns no such luck :crazy: ,seems that all the suppliers to the big stores were having problems with their stock :S So i decided to buy on-line, its the first time i have done...
  12. L

    dead fish :(

    My brother in law had a bala shark jump out of his tank, he spend ages more than a month searching for it, first in the aquarium, filters, powerhead, sifting though the gravel, but nothing, he checked all around the floor, behind the tank, and moving proximate furniture around in the room. About...
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    Hi guys!!! ;) My name is cristina, been keeping tropical fish for over a year, and coldwater fish for a year and a half... but i have made so many mistakes and i cant believe how ignorant i have been during this time, i think however i now have it all under control... ok thats not to say...