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  1. H

    Whats Best

    sorry its 165 litre
  2. H

    Whats Best

    what is the best filter system to use on tropical set up tank is aqua one ar 850 had tank 3 weeks tank clears then seems to cloud over any help much appreciated
  3. H

    Help Needed

    no chemical bacteria added new to this dont understand fishless cycling
  4. H

    Help Needed

    using filters that came with tank plus plastic plant and ornaments
  5. H

    Help Needed

    yes washed gravel tank was crystal clear yesterday
  6. H

    Help Needed

    just setting up new tank aqua one 850 ar got no fish in at the moment set up saturday gravel water plants ph tested 7.5 checked today tank does seem as clear could it need new filters any help much appreciated